Alexandra Citrin
Director of Family Autonomy and Child Welfare Policy
She, Her, Hers
View Alexandra’s condensed bio here.
I help federal and state elected officials develop policies and funding priorities to advance equity in ways that promote better results for children, youth, and families. My policy expertise includes child welfare system and finance reform, health care, and immigration. I also focus on using frontline practice-knowledge to inform equity-focused policymaking and providing technical assistance to state and local child welfare systems, including National Quality Improvement Centers funded through the Administration for Children and Families and child welfare systems operating under federal consent decree.
I do this work because
I believe that an equity focus is the right way to do the work and that children and families deserve every opportunity to live together safely and be successful.
Work History
- Family Advocate, Center for Family Representation, Inc.
Education and Awards
- M.S.W., University of Michigan School of Social Work
- M.P.P., Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
- B.A., Middlebury College
- Child Welfare Scholar at the University of Michigan School of Social Work
- Ford School Award Recipient based on merit and community involvement
When the day is done
I serve as a board member for Hope and a Home—a transitional housing program in DC using a multi-generational approach to break the cycle of poverty.
- Affirming LGBTQ+ Youth: Strategies for Communities and Child Welfare Systems
- Children Deserve Better: Policy Attacks on LGBTQ+ Children Violate Their Rights and Harm Us All
- Total System Failure: The Immigration System at the Southern Border
- Two Communities Taking on Big Challenges: Local Efforts to Advance Equity in Child Welfare
- Protecting Children, Families, and Tribes: The Importance of ICWA
- New Public Charge Guidance Could Drive Children into Foster Care
- Safe Havens II: We Must Affirm and Support Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Diverse Youth in Out-of-Home Systems
- Culture is Healing: Removing the Barriers from Culturally Responsive Services (Webinar)
- Grounding Family and Child Well-Being Policies and Systems in Anti-Racist Principles and Strategies
- Systemically Neglected: How Racism Structures Public Systems to Produce Child Neglect
- Supporting the First 1,000 Days of A Child’s Life: An Anti-Racist Blueprint for Early Childhood Well-Being and Child Welfare Prevention
- What We Owe Young Children: An Anti-Racist Policy Platform for Early Childhood
- Advancing Healthy Outcomes: Eight Ways to Promote the Health and Well-Being of LGBTQ+ Youth Involved with Child Welfare through FFPSA
- Supporting All Families: Financing Streams to Support Prevention Programs
- Integrating DULCE into a State Child Welfare Prevention Continuum
- Responsibly Defining Candidacy within the Context of FFPSA: Five Principles to Consider
- Opportunities for Progress: Better Serving Families with Domestic Violence through the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)
- Seizing the Opportunity: 10 Ways to Advance Equity Through FFPSA
- Prevent, Protect, and Provide: How Child Welfare Can Better Support Low-Income Families
- Family First Prevention Services Act: Pregnant & Parenting Youth FAQs
- 20 Years of TANF: Opportunities to Better Support Families Facing Multiple Barriers
- Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Critical Pathway to Safety and Permanence for States
- Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Critical Pathway to Safety and Permanence for Practitioners
- Promoting Well-Being Through the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard: A Guide for States Implementing the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act
- Protect Medicaid: Critical Opportunities to Support Children, Youth, and Families Involved with Child Welfare
- Improving Health Care Services: Opportunities within Medicaid to Support Child Welfare Involved Expectant and Parenting Youth and Their Children
- Bridging the Language Gap
- Quality Service Reviews: A Mechanism for Case-Level Advocacy and System Reform