- Growing and Sustaining Parent Engagement: A Toolkit for Parents and Community Leaders
- Building Parent Partnerships to Strengthen Families (PowerPoint)
- Strong Families: A brochure for parents about the protective factors (PDF and Word)
- Building Resilience in Troubled Times: A Guide for Parents (PDF or web page)
- Strengths-Based Practice in Troubled Times (PDF)
- Help Me Grow Vermont developed a web version of the content from this brochure.
- Utah’s Division of Child and Family Services translated the brochure into Spanish: Familias Fuertes
- Ripples of Transformation: Families Leading Change in Early Childhood Systems
- Manifesto for Race Equity and Parent Leadership in Early Childhood Systems
- View a recorded webinar about how people around the country are using café conversations to help parents build protective factors, and what CSSP has identified as the core elements of effective cafés.
- Café Overview and Fidelity Checklist. A key element in many states’ and communities’ implementation of Strengthening Families has been the use of café-style conversations among parents and caregivers. This document describes what cafés are and how they are used, and highlights some of the most widely used models in the Strengthening Families National Network. This document also includes a checklist of core elements that should be present for cafés to be successful in building parent leadership and protective factors, regardless of the model used.
- Parent Café
- Community Café
- Caring Conversations