Publications & Resources

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Expanding the Perspectives and Research Foundation for the Strengthening Families & Youth Thrive Frameworks (2024)

February 2024

This report expands on the perspectives and research evidence that inform the Strengthening Families and Youth Thrive frameworks by addressing key issues not highlighted in the initial research foundation reports.

(38 pp)

Expanding the Perspectives and Research Foundation for the Strengthening Families & Youth Thrive Frameworks Small Cover

Using Demographic Data to Advance Equity: Insights from the Data 4 Equity and Action Lab

November 2023

This document reflects insights and lessons learned over the 12-month period of the Data for Equity and Action (D4EA)  Lab to help inform funders and organizations that are interested in convening partners and constituents to explore opportunities to leverage demographic data to advance equity.

D4ea Leveraging Demographic As Tool For Advancing Equity (final)

Raising the Bar: Strengthening Capacity to Advance Racially Equitable Results

November 2022

This paper provides an overview of CSSP’s approach to working with partners and communities to advance racial justice through capacity building and leadership development.

(17 pp)

Cover Small Raising The Bar Strengthening Capacity To Advance Racially Equitable Results

Anti-Racist Approaches in Health Care: Community Health Workers as Catalysts for Change in Health Systems

November 2022

This report examines the deeply entrenched systemic inequities and generations of discrimination and racism that have resulted in policies and practices that segregate, marginalize, and exclude people of color from opportunities to be healthy. In the health care system, these inequities have led to limited access to health coverage and care and differences in the treatment and quality of care for children and families of color.

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Sustaining Board Engagement: Building Healthy Communities, 2010-2020

November 2020

This report outlines strategies employed by The California Endowment to maintain sustained Board engagement in order to support the Building Healthy Communities (BHC) program.

This is one of a two reports which synthesize themes and lessons about the necessary work The California Endowment (TCE), its partners, and the broader philanthropic communities must do to engage in long-term, social change work.  Read the other report, Foundation Role and Practice: Building Healthy Communities, 2010-2020, here.

(44 pp)

Sustaining Board Engagement: Building Healthy Communities, 2010-2020 thumbnail.

Asking the Right Questions: A Tool for Initiative Planning and Adaptation

November 2020

This tool and report develop a working definition for evidence, provide guidance for how policymakers, systems leaders, and leaders in organizations can make good use of evidence to develop, and make better use of a wide range of evidence to inform their decision-making, both as they develop new initiatives and as they make adaptations to their work based on what they learn from implementation.

Asking the Right Questions: A Tool for Initiative Planning and Adaptation brief thumbnail.

Getting to the Heart of Equity: A Human Centered Design Case Study

April 2020

The application of a human-centered design approach by Del Norte and Tribal Lands (DNATL), part of The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities (BHC) initiative, illustrates one strategy for engaging and partnering with community members to design an initiative that strives for health equity. This report explores how human-centered design was used in the BHC-DNATL work.

(16 pp)

Getting to the Heart of Equity: A Human-Centered Design Case Study thumbnail.

Literature Review: The Evidence Decision-Makers Want

December 2019

This summary paper considers the main themes identified from a literature review of 27 sources related to the evidence needs of policymakers and is intended to investigate the research evidence on what types of information policymakers want and need to make social policy decisions.

(15 pp)

The Evidence Decision-Makers Want literature review thumbnail.

Executive Summary: The Evidence Decision-Makers Want

December 2019

This brief summarizes the wide range of decisions leaders in public sector human services consider and explores evidence primarily from the perspective of decision-makers who work within these public systems.

(4 pp)

If you're looking for the main report, click here.

The Evidence Decision-Makers Want executive summary thumbnail.

The Evidence Decision-Makers Want

December 2019

This report explores how decision-makers in public sector human services consider and use evidence, identify what evidence they want and need, and offers recommendations for how these leaders can contribute to wider use of different types of evidence to inform the full range of their work.

Click here for an executive summary of the report.

(29 pp)

The Evidence Decision-Makers Want report thumbnail.