Publications & Resources

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LEaP Lab: How Funders Can Help Build Community Power

September 2021

Lessons from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities Initiative

In September 2021, CSSP hosted a virtual, interactive Learning, Equity, and Power (LEaP) Lab for funders to join a conversation with experts to discuss power building and how foundations can better support building community power. This session, which is part of the larger LEaP initiative, highlights lessons and insights from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities. This LEaP Lab features:

  • Gigi Barsoum, Founder and Principal, Barsoum Policy Consulting
  • Julia Coffman, Founder and co-Executive Director, Center for Evaluation Innovation
  • Sandra Witt, Managing Director; Program & Partnership, Power Infrastructure Statewide, The California Endowment
LEaP Lab: How Funders Can Help Build Community Power thumbnail.
Digital Resource

Fostering Social and Emotional Health through Pediatric Primary Care: A Blueprint for Leveraging Medicaid and CHIP to Finance Change

February 2022

The content of this resource is based on technical assistance delivered to the Pediatrics Supporting Parents National Medicaid/CHIP State Implementation Workgroup from September 2019 to December 2020 and on the report Fostering Social and Emotional Health through Pediatric Primary Care: A Blueprint for Leveraging Medicaid and CHIP to Finance Change, released in June 2019. 

View the resource.

Fostering Social and Emotional Health through Pediatric Primary Care thumbnail.

The Blueprint in Action: Lessons Learned from the Pediatrics Supporting Parents State Medicaid and CHIP Implementation Workgroup

February 2022

This brief describes the accomplishments of and lessons learned from the Pediatrics Supporting Parents State Medicaid and CHIP Implementation Workgroup to inform future initiatives that aim to leverage Medicaid and CHIP financing to promote the health of young children, their families, and their communities. 

(11 pp)

The Blueprint in Action: Lessons Learned from the Pediatrics thumbnail.

Perspectives on ERH Series: Session 1: The Principles and Framework of Early Relational Health

February 2022

In the first session, David Willis, MD, Senior Fellow at the Center for the Study of Social Policy, is in conversation with MaryEtta Callier-Wells, Parenting Program Supervisor, Lead Educator and Facilitator at Self Enhancement, Inc., about the principles and framework of Early Relational Health. They discuss why Early Relational Health is essential to child and family well-being and what parents are telling us about the importance of creating and nurturing healthy early relationships. 

Visit the Perspective on ERH webpage.

Perspectives on ERH Series: Session 1 thumbnail.

Perspectives on Early Relational Health Series

February 2022

In this introductory video, David Willis, MD, Senior Fellow at the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), shares why CSSP has developed this video series to share the critical and timely discussions about the fundamental importance of safe, stable, and nurturing relationships for the healthy development of all infants, young children, and their caregivers.

Visit the Perspective on ERH webpage.

Perspectives on Early Relational Health Series thumbnail.

LEaP Pad: Authentically Engaging Community

February 2022

Lessons from TCE’s Building Healthy Communities Initiative

In February 2022, CSSP hosted the final session in this installment of LEaP. This LEaP PAD focused on how foundations can authentically partner, and share power, with community residents. The session also highlighted the role of learning and evaluation in disrupting systems of oppression. This LEaP PAD featured:

  • Ms. Towanda Sherry, East Oakland Resident Leader & Organizer
  • Shiree Teng, East Oakland BHC Learning & Evaluation Team Member
LEaP Pad: Authentically Engaging Community thumbnail.

Using Data from the Youth Thrive Survey to Improve Practice

February 2022

This resource explores how teaming meetings build and strengthen young people’s Protective and Promotive Factors (PPFs) and includes considerations for how to elevate young people’s voice and engagement in teaming meetings.

(3 pp)

Using Data from the Youth Thrive Survey to Improve Practice thumbnail.

Breaking the Stigma and Changing the Narrative: Strategies for Supporting Expectant and Parenting Youth Involved in Systems of Care

January 2022

This report provides an overview and critique of research findings about expectant and parenting youth and the stigma associated with young parenthood. It also discusses four strategies to break the stigmatization of expectant and parenting youth, and thereby increase the likelihood of improved outcomes for young parents and their children.

(17 pp)

Breaking the Stigma and Changing the Narrative: Expectant and Parenting Youth thumbnail.

Protective Factors for Youth Involved in Systems of Care

January 2022

This report examines the importance of intentionally and actively targeting protective factors, in addition to risk factors, in an effort to promote healthy development and well-being in youth involved in systems of care.

Protective Factors for Youth Involved in Systems of Care thumbnail.

Promoting the Well-Being of Black, Native, Latinx, and Asian Youth Involved in Systems of Care

January 2022

This report examines the importance and multidimensional nature of well-being, in general, and the well-being of Black, Native, Latinx, and Asian youth involved in systems of care, in particular. 

Promoting the Well-Being of Black, Native, Latinx, and Asian Youth in Systems of Care thumbnail.