Publications & Resources

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Family Voices in Early Relational Health

December 2020

This webinar brings a discussion by the PSU research team and participating parents of some of the key themes that emerged as well as their recommendations for how the child and family health system can be more supportive to their family relationships. Then three national discussants  each discuss the importance of the findings and implications for efforts to advance early relational health with parent voice in the lead. 


What We Owe Young Children: An Anti-Racist Policy Platform for Early Childhood

December 2020

Early childhood is a crucial period of growth and learning that can influence children’s opportunities well into adulthood and can shape the future of families and communities. This new resource urges policymakers to enact policies that root out systemic racism and ensure all children can have a happy and healthy start to life.

In addition, read our one-pager, Principles for Anti-Racist Policymaking.

(30 pp)


My Baby, My Doctor & Me: Family Voice in Early Relational Health Pilot Study

November 2020

This pilot study was designed to generate questions and further areas of research needed to advance the ongoing dialogue about family voice, equity, and the concept of early relational health.

This exploratory study focused specifically on exploring parent perspectives on foundational early relationships, and the potential for the family and child health care system to play a supportive role, by working with three groups of families: (1) African American mothers living in inner Northeast Portland; (2) Spanish-speaking Latinx mothers living in rural Oregon; and (3) White mothers living in an isolated rural community in Southern Oregon. You can also find other key takeaways here.

(3 pp)


Youth Thrive Alive! Forum: Presenting New Youth Thrive Resources

November 2020

For our second quarterly Youth Thrive Alive! Forum,  we unveiled two new Youth Thrive resources: (1) Youth Thrive Video: Voices from the Network, a video, which features interviews from policymakers, practitioners, and young adult leaders who discuss the role of Youth Thrive in their lives; and (2) Youth Thrive: Our Story (So Far), a written narrative that tells the Youth Thrive story since the beginning. 


Moving Beyond the Family Engagement Check Box: A Webinar

November 2020

While many individuals and organizations, including funders, see the value of family engagement, they often struggle with the logistics of how to engage families. This webinar, by CSSP and Family Voices, provides an example of family engagement in systems level work. 

Read the full Moving Beyond the Family Engagement Check Box: An Innovative Partnership to Promote Authentic Family Engagement in Systems Change report here.


Equity in Action: DULCE Addresses the Health and Emotional Needs of Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Executive Summary)

October 2020

This is the executive summary provides themes and key concepts from the full brief here.


Equity in Action: DULCE Addresses the Health and Emotional Needs of Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic

October 2020

This brief summarizes the response and value of the Developmental Understanding and Legal Collaboration for Everyone (DULCE) approach during the first four months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the essential elements of the model that support its strength, and lessons learned.


Hope in the Time of Chaos: CHOC Children’s Strengthened Response to COVID-19 through DULCE

October 2020

This brief demonstrates the power of DULCE in addressing the critical concrete needs of families with newborns during the pandemic. The five original DULCE sites are EC-LINC communities. 


Moving Beyond the Family Engagement Check Box: An Innovative Partnership to Promote Authentic Family Engagement in Systems Change

October 2020

This case study examines the partnership that the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) and Family Voices undertook to create and implement a process for engaging families in the Pediatrics Supporting Parents (PSP) national initiative to promote the social and emotional development (SED) of young children.

(25 pp)


My Baby, My Doctor & Me: Hearing from Parents about Foundational Relationships and the Role of the Health Care System in Promoting Early Relational Health

October 2020

This exploratory study focused specifically on exploring parent perspectives on foundational early relationships, and the potential for the family and child health care system to play a supportive role, by working with three groups of families: (1) African American mothers living in inner Northeast Portland; (2) Spanish-speaking Latinx mothers living in rural Oregon; and (3) White mothers living in an isolated rural community in Southern Oregon.

(9 pp)