Publications & Resources

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Shifting the Perceptions and Treatment of Black, Native, and Latinx Youth Involved in Systems of Care

January 2022

The purpose of this report is to examine the nature and impact of distorted racial perceptions of Black, Native, and Latinx youth involved in systems of care; identify the ways in which these systems are failing them due to distorted racial perceptions; and propose strategies that will mitigate the influence of racism in these systems and promote individual and systems decision making and practice that is developmentally appropriate, nurturing, and equitable for all youth.

Shifting the Perceptions and Treatment of Black, Native, Latinx Youth in Systems of Care thumbnail.

Willis & Friends: Transcending Barriers of Whiteness for Next Generation Well-Being

January 2022

The 8th edition of the Willis and Friends live series will explore how to move beyond “centering Whiteness” to realize once-in-a-generation opportunities for Black and Brown families from President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.
Willis and Friends Jan. 19 webinar: Transcending Barriers of Whiteness thumbnail.
Policy Paper

What We Owe Young Adults Involved with Child Welfare: A Youth Thrive Policy Agenda

January 2022

We owe young people who age out of care the structure and supports that they need to thrive. To fulfill this obligation and to remove barriers to thriving, we need new investments to support these young people. This policy agenda highlights key opportunities to advance the health and well-being of young people who are involved with child welfare systems.

(8 pp)

What We Owe Young Adults Involved with Child Welfare: A Youth Thrive Policy Agenda thumbnail.

Willis & Friends: Transforming Health Systems to Ensure Maternal Well-Being

December 2021

The 7th edition of Willis and Friends live series will provide an enlightening conversation with three national policy leaders about the unprecedented opportunities to advance early relational health as a result of the enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act and the proposed Build Back Better Act.

Willis and Friends Dec. 15 webinar: Transforming Health Systems, Maternal Well-Being thumbnail.

A Social Ecological Model of Racism & Anti-Racism

December 2021

This handout frames racism and anti-racism within a social ecological model in order to promote an understanding of the multifaceted, overlapping, and interactive factors that contribute to and maintain racial inequities, as well as strategies that can be employed across multiple levels in order to eliminate racism, address its multiple impacts, and achieve a more just society.

(2 pp)

A Social-Ecological Model of Racism and Anti-Racism infographic.

Latino Grandfamilies: Helping Children Thrive Through Connection to Family and Cultural Identity

November 2021

Our partner Generations United created a new toolkit that is designed to give resources and tips to child welfare agencies, other government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, to better serve all Latino grandfamilies regardless of child welfare involvement.

Latino Grandfamilies Toolkit thumbnail.

Willis & Friends—Partnering with Families is Key for Advancing Early Relational Health

In the sixth conversation of this series, David Willis, MD, welcomes three national innovators and thought leaders who have partnered with CSSP to develop meaningful approaches for advancing early relational health promotion, measurement, and partnerships with families.

Willis and Friends Nov. 17 webinar: Partnering with Families is Key for Advancing ERH thumbnail.

Kevin S., et al. v. Blalock and Scrase, Co-Neutrals’ Baseline and 2020 Annual Report (November 15, 2021)

November 2021

This report provides a current summary of efforts made by New Mexico’s Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) and Human Services Department (HSD) as they work to fulfill the commitments outlined in the Kevin S., et al. v. Blalock and Scrase Final Settlement Agreement.

(120 pp)

Co-Neutrals' Baseline and 2020 Annual Report thumbnail.

Our Identities, Ourselves: Anti-Racist Guidelines for Collecting Data on Race & Ethnicity

October 2021

In this webinar, learn best practices and tools for centering equity and constituent voice in data collection, analysis, reporting, and use. Topics explored included: the best ways to capture race and ethnicity within data systems; how frontline workers can better ask nonjudgmental questions about young people and families’ identities throughout the life of a case; how system leaders can ensure that data collected is used to advance equity.

Our Identities, Ourselves Oct. 18 webinar: Anti-Racist Guidelines for Collecting Data thumbnail.
Digital Resource

Youth Thrive Blueprint: Coaching Tool

October 2021

The Youth Thrive Coaching Tool is one of many resources for implementing the Youth Thrive Initiative developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy. The purpose of this Coaching Tool is to give supervisors key questions, guidance, and ideas about how to help workers assess and support Protective and Promotive Factors with youth.

Click here.

Youth Thrive Blueprint: Coaching Tool thumbnail.