Publications & Resources

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Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster Progress Report (October 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021)

October 2021

This is the ninth report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

(162 pp)

Progress Report: South Carolina Dept. of Social Services, Oct.-Mar. 2021.

Willis & Friends—Vital Signs of Early Relational Health: Autonomic Emotion

September 2021

In the fourth conversation of this series, participants discussed the recently discovered autonomic emotional connection. The connection is an observable state of co-regulation between loved ones when their stress physiology in the body and brain are mutually calmed by the sight, sound, smell, touch, and even taste of one another.

Willis and Friends Sept. 22 Webinar: Vital Signs of Early Relational Health thumbnail.

Our Identities, Ourselves: A Guide to Anti-Racist Data Collection for System Leaders and Data Administrators

September 2021

This guide offers guiding principles and best practices for applying a anti-racist and equity focused lens to data collection, analysis, usage and reporting within child welfare systems.

(5 pp)

Our Identities, Ourselves: Guide to Anti-Racist Data Collection for System Leaders thumbnail.

Our Identities, Ourselves: Rights Guide for Young People and Families

September 2021

This guide serves as a tool for young people and families in understanding their rights when asked questions about their identities. It also includes responses to common questions asked by young people and families related to data collection and usage.

(2 pp)

Our Identities, Ourselves: Know Your Rights Guide for Young People and Families.

Our Identities, Ourselves: A Poster Guide to Anti-Racist Data Collection for Case Workers and Other Frontline Staff

September 2021

This one-page, printable poster provide at-a-glance tips for collecting data, talking with youth and families, and starting conversations, highlighting the most salient information in A Guide to Anti-Racist Data Collection for Case Workers. Note: printable size is 11" x 17".

(1 pp)

Our Identities, Ourselves: Guide to Anti-Racist Data Collection for Case Workers poster.

Our Identities, Ourselves: A Guide to Anti-Racist Data Collection for Case Workers and Other Frontline Staff

September 2021

This guide serves as a tool for case workers and frontline staff in collecting demographic data from young people and families. It includes best practices for data collection, a sample script and a list of questions to engage young people and families in discussions about their identities.

(5 pp)

Our Identities, Ourselves: Guide to Anti-Racist Data Collection for Case Workers thumbnail.

Our Identities, Ourselves: An Anti-Racist Review on Collecting Accurate Data on Race and Ethnicity

September 2021

This literature review provides a synthesis of the research on best practices for collecting, analyzing and using comprehensive demographic data within child welfare systems. 

(29 pp)

Our Identities, Ourselves: An Anti-Racist Review on Collecting Accurate Data thumbnail.

Willis & Friends—The New AAP Policy Statement Advances Relational Health

August 2021

The third conversation in this series discussed the American Academy of Pediatrics’ updated policy statement "Preventing Childhood Toxic Stress: Partnering with Families and Communities to Promote Relational Health."
Policy Paper

The Lasting Legacy of Exclusion: How the Law that Brought Us Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Excluded Immigrant Families & Institutionalized Racism in our Social Support System

August 2021

In 1996, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA) radically transformed our system of social supports. In addition to decimating cash assistance for families, the law’s immigrant exclusions exacerbated economic and racial inequities and harmed children and families in the 25 years since. This reportpublished jointly with the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality Economic Security and Opportunity Initiativeexamines the racist roots of PRWORA’s anti-immigrant exclusions and highlights the law’s role in institutionalizing and legitimizing anti-immigrant exclusion in a range of public benefits and tax credits.

(32 pp)

The Lasting Legacy of Exclusion thumbnail.

Charlie and Nadine H Report on Progress (July 1 – December 31, 2020)

August 2021

This report measures the progress of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families under the Sustainability and Exit Plan and includes performance data for the period of July 1 through December 31, 2020.