Publications & Resources

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Strengthening Families State Profile: Maine

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Maine as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Implementation in Home Visiting

May 2021

This brief offers information on how Strengthening Families is used in home visiting, as well as the resources available for implementing Strengthening Families into home visiting in various states.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Implementation in Child Welfare

May 2021

This brief offers information on how Strengthening Families is used in child welfare systems, as well as the resources available for implementing Strengthening Families into child welfare systems in various states.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families in Early Care and Education Programs

May 2021

This report explores Strengthening Families’ four big ideas and protective factors and how they interplay with ECE programs.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: South Carolina

May 2021

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in South Carolina as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Concrete Support at the Federal Level: What You Need to Know about the American Rescue Plan’s CTC

May 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 includes a historic one-year expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC), providing much-needed concrete support to families with children. This webinar discussed the benefit as well as steps to take to ensure that this expanded benefit reaches the children who need it most, including children in Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and immigrant communities, and is made permanent. 

Concrete Support at the Federal Level May 13 webinar: Child Tax Credit thumbnail.

Implementing System Wide Policy and Practice Improvements to Support LGBTQ+ Youth

May 2021

This report describes the processes and outcomes associated with implementing Guidelines for Managing Information Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression and Identity in Child Welfare Systems in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The Guidelines outline ways in which child welfare jurisdictions can implement system wide innovations to better serve LGBTQ+ youth and their families.

(44 pp)

Tags: LGBTQ+, Youth, getREAL
Implementing Improvements to Support LGBTQ+ Youth and Families in Child Welfare System thumbnail.

Welcoming, Affirming, Supporting: Child Welfare Systems Must Honor the WHOLE Child

May 2021

This report summarizes the lessons learned and resources from six years of work with the getREAL initiative. Understanding and acting on these lessons can help changemakers to create a welcoming and affirming child welfare system to support these youth and their families. We detail critical components to supporting system change and provide an extensive list of resources from the getREAL initiative and our partners in the field.

(20 pp)


The Opportunity is Now: Five Ways to Better Serve Adolescents and Young Adults through the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)

May 2021

This brief highlights opportunities within the Families First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) for states to build a prevention continuum that includes a focus on healthy adolescent development and that recognizes and helps rectify disparate opportunities and outcomes for Black, Latinx/e, and Native American youth, and youth who identify as LGBTQ+.

(7 pp)


A Crosswalk of Supports for Transition Age Youth

May 2021

Developed jointly with Youth Villages, this document provides an overview of the Youth Thrive and LifeSet approaches for organizations interested in implementing one, the other, or both.