Publications & Resources

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Expectant and Parenting Youth: Inaugural Webinar

April 2015

This webinar discusses implications of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standards under the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (H.R.4980) for expectant and parenting youth and their children in foster care.


Creating Opportunities for Expectant and Parenting Youth: A Co-Parenting Approach

June 2015

This webinar presents findings from the Young Parenthood Project, designed to test the efficacy of a co-parenting counseling program for parenting and expecting adolescents. It discusses the implementation, challenges, and implications involved.


Expectant and Parenting Youth: Lessons from the Field

September 2015

This webinar presents an approach to ensuring that every EPY is connected to a mentor—including collaborative partnerships creating a shared system for recruitment, capacity building, tracking impact, and continuous quality improvement. 


Recommended Practice and Reality for Trans & Gender-Expansive Youth in Out-of-Home Care

July 2017

In this webinar, presenters share findings from their report, “Safe Havens: Closing the Gap Between Recommended Practice and Reality for Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth in Out-of-Home Care.”


Youth Thrive: Youth Resilience

This brief discusses the importance of resilience and being able to call forth their inner strength to positively meet challenges, manage adversities, heal the effects of trauma, and thrive.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive: Social Connections

This brief discusses how social connections—people and institutions—help youth increase their knowledge and develop their skills. This helps find a sense of belonging and meaning in their lives.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive: Knowledge of Adolescent Development

This brief discusses the importance of having accurate knowledge of adolescent development, which is critically important because beliefs about youth influence perceptions and treatment of young people.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive: Cognitive and Social-Emotional Competence in Youth

This brief discusses the importance of cognitive and social-emotional competence in adolescence, which lays the foundation for forming independent identity and having a productive, responsible, and satisfying adulthood.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive: Concrete Support in Times of Need

This brief discusses the importance of helping youth identify, find, and receive concrete support in times of need to ensure they receive necessities everyone deserves in order to grow and thrive.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive Profile: Youth Villages Transitional Living Program (TLP)

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. TLP helps youth who are leaving the foster care, juvenile justice, and mental health systems to successfully transition into adulthood.
(2 pp)