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Policy Paper

Ending Barriers to Support: Five Arguments Against Work Requirements

May 2023

Safety net programs should ensure that everyone can get support when they need it, yet harsh and cumbersome work requirements put obstacles in the way of much-needed assistance. This brief shares five things everyone should know about work requirements.

Download the infographic featured in the brief.

(3 pp)

Ending Barriers To Support Five Arguments Against Work Requirements Small Cover
Policy Paper

The Biden Administration’s Budget Recognizes Investments in Families Are Long Overdue: Now Let’s Get To Work

March 2023

In its annual budget released in March 2023, the Biden administration once again proposed critical investments in families, including restoring the Child Tax Credit, establishing a national paid family and medical leave program, and expanding access to high quality child care and early education. This fact sheet shares how the Biden administration's proposals reflect what Black, Indigenous, and Latinx parents and caregivers have told us that they need.

Cover Small The Biden Administration’s Budget Recognizes Investments In Families Are Long Overdue

Raising the Bar: Strengthening Capacity to Advance Racially Equitable Results

November 2022

This paper provides an overview of CSSP’s approach to working with partners and communities to advance racial justice through capacity building and leadership development.

(17 pp)

Cover Small Raising The Bar Strengthening Capacity To Advance Racially Equitable Results

Where Do We Go From Here?: How Temporary Investments in the Child Tax Credit & Child Care Impacted North Carolina Families, and the Road Ahead

July 2022

In this report, we explore how federal investments in the Child Tax Credit and child care helped North Carolina families and early educators get through the pandemic, and led them to feel supported by policymakers, and valued for their contributions to society. The findings are clear: to advance economic and racial equity, we must ensure that families and professional caregivers have the permanent, comprehensive support they need.

(27 pp)

Where Do We Go From Here
Policy Paper

Policy Change to Promote Early Relational Health

July 2022

The early and foundational relationships that babies and toddlers experience with their parents shape the health and well-being of two generations. This brief highlights opportunities to promote early relational health with policy change and investments, including with existing programs, pandemic funding, and pending legislation in Congress.

(6 pp)

Small Cover Erh Policy Agenda Final
Policy Paper

“We Don’t Have that in Mississippi”: How Temporary Expansions of the Child Tax Credit & Child Care Demonstrate the Importance of Federal Investments & Oversight

June 2022

This brief synthesizes findings from our research in Mississippi, where we interviewed and surveyed families who identified overwhelmingly as Black or African American, along with diverse child care providers and other stakeholders in the child care sector, to learn whether the Child Tax Credit and child care investments were advancing economic and racial equity and helping families.

(26 pp) 

We Dont Have That In Mississippi How Temporary Expantions Of The Ctc And Child Care Demonstrate
Policy Paper

The Child Care Paradox: How Child Care Providers Balance Paid and Un-Paid Caregiving

June 2022

Care work is some of the most important work in our society, supporting children, families, and individuals across their lifespans. But, despite the critical work child care providers do for families and society as a whole, their work is systematically undervalued. This brief reports the findings from our interviews and the recommendations from providers.

(15 pp)

The Child Care Paradox: How Child Care Providers Balance Paid and Unpaid Caregiving thumbnail.

Systemically Neglected: How Racism Structures Public Systems to Produce Child Neglect

March 2022

This report outlines the history of how child protective services developed to surveil families of color, examines how policy pushes families of color into the child welfare system today, and concludes with some recommendations for adequately supporting children and families of color and keeping families together in the future. 

(23 pp)

Systemically Neglected: How Racism Structures Public Systems to Produce Child Neglect thumbnail.

Breaking the Stigma and Changing the Narrative: Strategies for Supporting Expectant and Parenting Youth Involved in Systems of Care

January 2022

This report provides an overview and critique of research findings about expectant and parenting youth and the stigma associated with young parenthood. It also discusses four strategies to break the stigmatization of expectant and parenting youth, and thereby increase the likelihood of improved outcomes for young parents and their children.

(17 pp)

Breaking the Stigma and Changing the Narrative: Expectant and Parenting Youth thumbnail.

Protective Factors for Youth Involved in Systems of Care

January 2022

This report examines the importance of intentionally and actively targeting protective factors, in addition to risk factors, in an effort to promote healthy development and well-being in youth involved in systems of care.

Protective Factors for Youth Involved in Systems of Care thumbnail.