Publications & Resources

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LaShawn A. v. Gray Supplemental Letter to the Court

June 2012

This report provides a brief update on the implementation of the activities of the 2012 Strategy Plan that were to be completed in April and May 2012.
(12 pp)


LaShawn A. v. Bowser Progress Report (July-December 2016)

May 2017

This report assesses the District of Columbia’s performance in meeting the outcomes and Exit Standards set by the Implementation and Exit Plan in accordance with the Modified Final Order.
(218 pp)


LaShawn A. v. Bowser Progress Report (January-June 2017)

November 2017

This report assesses the District of Columbia’s performance in meeting the outcomes and Exit Standards set by the Implementation and Exit Plan in accordance with the Modified Final Order.
(263 pp)


Key Trends in Prevention: Report for the National Quality Improvement Center on Early Childhood (QIC-EC)


This report focuses on identifying characteristics of program models that successfully reduce incidences and recurrences of child abuse, neglect, and other negative outcomes for young children.
(46 pp)


Youth Thrive Profile: Just Like Me

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. It was designed for youth in foster care systems to develop their artistic talents and gain skills like trust, teamwork, problem solving, and decision-making.
(2 pp)


Strong Start Study: Denver, CO Implementation Manual

This report is designed to support young families affected by substance use through building protective factors known to prevent maltreatment and strengthening families by establishing systems of support.
(36 pp)


Family Networks Project: QIC-EC South Carolina Implementation Manual

This report is designed to help in examining and implementing an evidence-based parenting intervention in improving key protective factors for families with a young child with developmental disabilities.
(56 pp)


A Quick Guide to Understanding the Institutional Analysis


This brief offers a look into the key elements of Institutional Analysis, its process, and addressing systemic issues that contribute to poor outcomes for families of color.
(1 p)


The Institutional Analysis: Uncovering Pathways to Improving Public Systems and Interventions for Children and Families


This report discusses the systemic disproportionality and disparities leading to racial inequities. It identifies organizational structures, policies, administrative requirements, and job descriptions that contribute to poor outcomes for families of color.
(6 pp)


Fresno County Department of Social Services: Confronting Racial Inequities and Disproportionality to Improve Child Welfare Outcomes for Children & Families


This report details Fresno County’s early efforts and the work still underway to address racial inequities and improve outcomes for all children and youth involved in the county's child welfare system.
(11 pp)