Publications & Resources

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Public Charge Determination

October 2018

This infographic explains the current "public charge" determination and overviews the impact of the proposed rule on individuals, families, and communities. It also discusses how public charge could change. 


Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Critical Pathway to Safety and Permanence for States


This policy paper offers guidance for policymakers on how to protect children and youth from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico in the absence of visa availability.
(6 pp)


Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Critical Pathway to Safety and Permanence for Practitioners


This policy paper offers guidance for practitioners on how to protect children and youth from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico in the absence of visa availability.
(6 pp)


Healthy, Thriving Communities: Safe Spaces for Immigrant Children and Families

February 2017

This policy paper highlights actionable policies at the state and local levels that can be used to promote safe spaces, economic stability, and strong communities.
(7 pp)


Dividing Families: The Department of Homeland Security’s Plan to Separate Children from Parents

March 2017

This policy brief discusses the dangerous psychological consequences of the DHS's plans to separate children and parents to deter asylum seekers while recommending administrative policy changes. 
(2 pp)

Policy Paper

Dividing Families: The Department of Justice’s Plan to Separate Children from Parents

May 2018

This policy paper examines the DOJ’s cruel and racist “zero tolerance” policy toward immigration and the long-lasting, negative effects separating families can have on children.
(2 pp)