Publications & Resources

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Supporting All Families: Financing Streams to Support Prevention Programs—INFOGRAPHIC

May 2019

This infographic depicts the different kinds of programs and resources available to children and families including those that are directed at mitigating risk and preventing the need for foster care.

Read the associated fact sheet for more background and information.


Moving Forward Together: CSSP’s Journey to Center Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

May 2019

Our commitment to equity can be traced to our earliest work, which focused on income inequality, ability, age, and race. We have been on this journey in some form or another for more than four decades. This paper explores our journey towards becoming an anti-racist, equity-centered organization; a journey that we are still on today.

(8 pp)

Policy Paper

Supporting All Families: Financing Streams to Support Prevention Programs

May 2019

This fact sheet and infographic depicts the different kinds of programs and resources available to children and families including those that are directed at mitigating risk and preventing the need for foster care.

Download the infographic here.

(2 pp)


Families Leading Change in Early Childhood Systems: Phase Two Navigating the Ripples

May 2019

This report tells the story of how communities across the U.S. came together to advance equity through family engagement in early childhood systems.

(26 pp)


Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Alford Progress Report (April 2018-September 2018)

May 2019

This is the fourth report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

(128 pp)


Strengthening Families through Child Welfare Practice

May 2019


This webinar focused on how a protective factors approach can be applied in child welfare practice. 

Policy Paper

Integrating DULCE into a State Child Welfare Prevention Continuum

May 2019

The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) marks a substantial movement toward child welfare reform by bringing child welfare financing into alignment with what research tells us is best for children and families—keeping children in their homes whenever safe and possible. This brief provides an overview of key opportunities for DULCE to better support families as a part of a state’s prevention continuum.

(2 pp)


Progress Towards Building an Affirming and Supportive Child Welfare System: getREAL in Allegheny County

April 2019

This report details an Institutional Analysis conducted by CSSP in Allegheny County (Pittsburgh, PA) and examines institutional changes that have occurred on the county's journey to better support LGBTQ+ children in care. The IA also captured some of the current experiences of LGBTQ+ children, youth, and families who interact with the child welfare system since the implementation of getREAL.

(12 pp)


Policy Paper

Responsibly Defining Candidacy within the Context of FFPSA: Five Principles to Consider

April 2019

This brief offers guiding principles for states to consider as they work to identify a definition of candidacy that fits within the context of their state policies and prevention service array.

(2 pp)


Successful Strategies: How Kent County Created New Funds for Early Childhood—VIDEO

April 2019

On November 6, 2018, the residents of Kent County, MI voted to pass a ballot initiative that created new dedicated, sustainable funding for early childhood programs through a millage (property tax). This video details the work that went into accomplishing such a momentous milestone.

View an accompanying brief that further details this important work.