Publications & Resources

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Lessons Learned from Child Welfare Class Action Litigation: A Case Study of Tennessee’s Reform

February 2019

This case study is intended to help stakeholders engaged in comprehensive system improvement learn from Tennessee’s experience, whether those improvement efforts take place within the confines of class action litigation or are driven by other interests and priorities in their respective states.

(41 pp)


Strengthening Families Webinar: Measuring the Performance of Local Early Childhood Systems

February 2019

This webinar explores the new Early Childhood System Performance Assessment Toolkit from the Center for the Study of Social Policy, which contains guidance and tools to measure various aspects of how well your local early childhood system is working to improve the reach of child and family services, coordination among those services, commitment of the community to early childhood issues, and equity and parent leadership.


Supporting All Our Values: How Publicly Funded, Faith-Based Child Welfare Providers and Non-Discrimination Laws Can Promote Well-Being

February 2019

This report addresses the importance of promoting child well-being, the role of non-discrimination policies in achieving this, examples of partnerships between states and faith-based agencies, and recommendations for how states can ensure the best interest of children and families are met through these partnerships. Also included is a 50-state matrix of laws, regulations, and policies that protect youth in foster care from discrimination based on SOGIE.

(62 pp)


Charlie and Nadine H. v. Murphy Progress Report XXII (January-June 2018)

February 2019

This report is the sixth monitoring report measuring progress under the Sustainability and Exit Plan and includes performance data for the period of January 1 through June 30, 2018.

(77 pp)


Prenatal to Three: Investing in the Earliest Years

January 2019

CSSP interviewed EC-LINC community leaders who are participating in the National Collaborative for Infants and Toddlers. Leaders discussed the importance of supporting child development prenatally to age 3 and emphasized the need for healthy beginnings, supported families, and quality child care and early learning.

Best Start Communities and Capacity Building in Action

January 2019

This report explores the work of four of the Best Start Communities at a key transitional moment: as they prepare to end their relationships with the Capacity Builders who helped support them through critical years of development, and engage with new regional and local partners in their work.

(23 pp)


Best Practice Brief: Using Results-Based Accountability for Performance Accountability with Community Partnerships

January 2019

This issue brief is focused on how a results-based approach to community planning and action can be an important tool to help communities focus and accelerate their efforts to improve outcomes for children and families.

(13 pp)


Manifiesto Para Equidad Racial y Liderazgo de Padres

January 2019

Un grupo de 40 padres y personal de las nueve comunidades de EC-LINC, con el apoyo de CSSP y su personal y sus consultores, se juntaron para crear este Manifiesto .

El manifiesto también está disponible en inglés.

(13 pp)


Systems Change Strategies and Resident-led Advocacy

January 2019

This brief identifies six elements or strategies for systems change and names residents as critical partners to achieve and sustain such change.

(25 pp)


Mindful Leadership & Building Community Capacity Strategies and Lessons from Best Start Compton-East Compton

January 2019

This report includes information, recommendations, reflection questions, and sample exercises that residents, collaborative partners, funders, and capacity builders can use or adapt to promote mindful leadership in community change initiatives.

(30 pp)