Publications & Resources

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STRONG is a comprehensive Strengthening Families training manual which includes over 50 lesson plans suitable for parent groups, professional development, youth education, and organizational practice.

(2 pp)


Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work

A flyer describing the in-person Training of Trainers from the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds.

(1 pp)


Core Functions of Strengthening Families Implementation: Overview Handout

August 2024

This brief provides an overview of core functions of the Strengthening Families implementation.

(2 pp)

Sf Core Functions

Core Functions of Strengthening Families Implementation: Leadership Team Roles

This brief outlines core functions of leadership team roles.

(2 pp)


Messaging at the Intersections: Primary Care

This document is designed to provide pediatricians and other health care providers with prevention and intervention resources.

(5 pp)


Youth Thrive: Research Briefs & Action Sheets

This packet includes the research brief about each protective factor as well as an “action sheet” for service providers about their role in supporting families to build each protective factor using the Youth Thrive curriculum. 

(10 pp)


Strengthening Families: Research Briefs & Action Sheets

This packet includes the research brief about each protective factor as well as an “action sheet” for service providers about their role in supporting families to build each protective factor. 

(10 pp)


Action Plan: Applying a Protective and Promotive Factors Approach

This document is designed to guide supervisors through an action planning process using the Protective and Promotive Factors. 



Strengthening Families: Using Protective Factors to Develop Case Plan Tasks & Activities

This document is designed to help organizations to use the Protective Factors in developing case plan tasks and activities.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Action Plan for Program Improvement (PDF)

This template is designed to help organizations develop an action plan for improving their program.

(1 pp)