Publications & Resources

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Strengthening Families: Action Plan for Program Improvement (Word)

This template is designed to help organizations develop an action plan for improving their program.

(1 pp)


Best Practice Brief: Building Community Partnership Governance Capacity: Strategies and Lessons from Best Start

January 2019

This issue brief is meant to provide members of community-led organizations and their partners with a detailed introduction to effective strategies for building governance capacity.

(29 pp)


Manifesto for Race Equity & Parent Leadership in Early Childhood Systems

January 2019

A group of 40 parent leaders and agency staff from nine EC-LINC communities, with support from CSSP staff and consultants, came together to create this Manifesto for Race Equity and Parent Leadership in Early Childhood.

The Manifesto is also available in Spanish.

(13 pp)

Parent Manifesto

One Fairfax: A Brief History of a County-Wide Plan to Advance Equity and Opportunity

December 2018

This report explores how Fairfax County, in Northern Virginia, passed a far-reaching policy known as ‘One Fairfax,’ which required that the Board of Supervisors and School Board must “consider equity in decision-making and in the development and delivery of future policies, programs,
and services.”

(16 pp)


December 2018 Strengthening Families Networking Webinar

December 2018

This video discusses resources from ZERO TO THREE focused on building protective factors with military families. Co-presenters include CSSP and the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds.


People of the State of CA v. Humboldt County DHHS and Sheriff’s Office (February 14 – August 31, 2018)

December 2018

This report examines the performance of Humboldt County’s Department of Health and Human Services, Child Welfare Services, and Humboldt County’s Sheriff’s Office for Monitoring Period 1 (February 14 through August 31, 2018) in meeting agreements to reform responses and systems to address child abuse and/or neglect reports, and determines progress. 
(68 pp)


Agenda to Prepare Conference Participants

December 2018

This is a tool to prepare conference participants, so they know why they will be attending the event, coordinate travel and the workshops the will be taken, identify special needs, and establish behavior and outcome expectations with the group.

(2 pp)


LaShawn A. v. Bowser Progress Report (January 1-June 30, 2018)

December 2018

This report examines the performance of the District of Columbia’s child welfare system for the period of January 1 through June 30, 2018 and determines its progress.
(159 pp)

Policy Paper

Public Charge Comments Template

December 2018

This document gives states and communities a template for use in submitting comments on the proposed public charge guidance.


Policy Paper

Seizing the Opportunity: 10 Ways to Advance Equity Through FFPSA

December 2018

This brief outlines 10 opportunities for states to leverage FFPSA to both advance equity and promote better outcomes for children and families. While this list is not exhaustive and there are many other strategies for advancing equity, the 10 opportunities below represent concrete strategies states can pursue to achieve an equitable child welfare system.

(2 pp)