Publications & Resources

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About Strengthening Families and the Protective Factors Framework

This resource is a brief overview of the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework.


Pediatrics Supporting Parents Program Analysis: Program and Site Selection Process and Results

November 2018

This report briefly describes background of Pediatrics Supporting Parents and provides detail about CSSP’s process for identifying 12 outstanding programs and initiatives from across the country that will be studied through site visits.

(33 pp)


Advancing and Measuring Well-being for Youth and Young Adults: the Youth Thrive™ Survey

November 2018

The Youth Thrive™ Survey is an innovative instrument designed to be used by organizations serving youth and young adults ages 12-26 to measure and improve their well-being. This webinar provides an overview of how to access and administer the Youth Thrive™ Survey.


November 2018 Strengthening Families Networking Webinar

November 2018

This video explains revisions to the Head Start Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework and adaptations for Early Childhood Systems, intended for state, tribal, and territory leaders, administrators, providers, parents, and other decisionmakers in early childhood systems and programs. 

Policy Paper

Prevent, Protect, and Provide: How Child Welfare Can Better Support Low-Income Families

This brief focuses on several critical strategies child welfare systems can use to better address the economic needs of families and reduce the number of children who are at an increased risk of maltreatment and neglect as a result of environmental circumstances.


Entangled Roots: The Role of Race in Policies that Separate Families

November 2018

By examining the roots of policies that separate families and their entanglement with racial prejudice and discrimination, this report makes the case that we must embrace an alternative path.




Promoting Equity and Building Protective Factors: Opportunities in the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative

October 2018

Where available, this brief includes links to related resources that States can use to inform specific activities and strategies in response to the PDG B-5 requirements.


Guidance for Strengthening Families States: Opportunities to Promote Equity and Build Protective Factors

October 2018

This brief highlights specific opportunities in the PDG B-5 FOA for States to incorporate Strengthening Families into their applications.

Policy Paper

Moving to High Quality Child Care for All: Addressing Inequities through CCDBG State Plans

October 2018

As States begin implementing their required CCDBG triennial plans for 2019-2021, Child Care Administrators and other State policy leaders should use this opportunity to improve the quality of, and expand access to, child care for low-income families of color.

Policy Paper

The Proposed Public Charge Rule

October 2018

This brief discusses a proposed rule that would, if finalized, dramatically redefine a century-old provision of immigration law. 