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Policy Paper

The Child Care Paradox: How Child Care Providers Balance Paid and Un-Paid Caregiving

June 2022

Care work is some of the most important work in our society, supporting children, families, and individuals across their lifespans. But, despite the critical work child care providers do for families and society as a whole, their work is systematically undervalued. This brief reports the findings from our interviews and the recommendations from providers.

(15 pp)

The Child Care Paradox: How Child Care Providers Balance Paid and Unpaid Caregiving thumbnail.
Policy Paper

A ‘Godsend’: How Temporary Investments in the Child Tax Credit and Child Care Impacted Michigan Families

March 2022

To learn about the impact of the American Rescue Plan’s short-term investments in the CTC and child care, CSSP conducted interviews with low- and moderate-income (ranging from $0-$55,000/year) families of color, child care providers, and stakeholders in Michigan between September and December 2021. The findings make it clear: Robust, long-term investments in both the Child Tax Credit and child care are necessary so that all families—and particularly families of color—have the support they need to not just survive, but to thrive.

(24 pp)

A Godsend How Temporary Investments In The Child Tax Credit And Child Care Impacted Michigan Families

Systemically Neglected: How Racism Structures Public Systems to Produce Child Neglect

March 2022

This report outlines the history of how child protective services developed to surveil families of color, examines how policy pushes families of color into the child welfare system today, and concludes with some recommendations for adequately supporting children and families of color and keeping families together in the future. 

(23 pp)

Systemically Neglected: How Racism Structures Public Systems to Produce Child Neglect thumbnail.
Policy Paper

What We Owe Young Adults Involved with Child Welfare: A Youth Thrive Policy Agenda

January 2022

We owe young people who age out of care the structure and supports that they need to thrive. To fulfill this obligation and to remove barriers to thriving, we need new investments to support these young people. This policy agenda highlights key opportunities to advance the health and well-being of young people who are involved with child welfare systems.

(8 pp)

What We Owe Young Adults Involved with Child Welfare: A Youth Thrive Policy Agenda thumbnail.
Policy Paper

The Lasting Legacy of Exclusion: How the Law that Brought Us Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Excluded Immigrant Families & Institutionalized Racism in our Social Support System

August 2021

In 1996, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA) radically transformed our system of social supports. In addition to decimating cash assistance for families, the law’s immigrant exclusions exacerbated economic and racial inequities and harmed children and families in the 25 years since. This reportpublished jointly with the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality Economic Security and Opportunity Initiativeexamines the racist roots of PRWORA’s anti-immigrant exclusions and highlights the law’s role in institutionalizing and legitimizing anti-immigrant exclusion in a range of public benefits and tax credits.

(32 pp)

The Lasting Legacy of Exclusion thumbnail.

Ensuring Families Receive the Child Tax Credit

July 2021

This webinar, from the Automatic Benefit for Children (ABC) Coalition, shared innovative outreach strategies to raise awareness about the child tax credit and how families can sign up. 

Ensuring Families Receive the Child Tax Credit thumbnail.

To Reach Every Child, the Child Tax Credit Eligibility Requirements Must Be Changed

June 2021

This brief, co-authored by CSSP and the Children's Defense Fund, describes the Child Tax Credit (CTC), rules and restrictions that govern it, and what we believe must happen to ensure that all children, youth, and families are receiving critical benefits to help them thrive.

(3 pp)

To Reach Every Child, the Child Tax Credit Eligibility Requirements Must Be Changed thumbnail.

Concrete Support at the Federal Level: What You Need to Know about the American Rescue Plan’s CTC

May 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 includes a historic one-year expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC), providing much-needed concrete support to families with children. This webinar discussed the benefit as well as steps to take to ensure that this expanded benefit reaches the children who need it most, including children in Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and immigrant communities, and is made permanent. 

Concrete Support at the Federal Level May 13 webinar: Child Tax Credit thumbnail.
Policy Paper

The American Rescue Plan’s Child Tax Credit: Advancing Equity and Laying the Foundation for a Child Allowance

March 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 includes a historic one-year expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC), providing much-needed support to families with children. This brief provides an overview of the benefits as well as steps the Biden-Harris Administration and Congress must take to ensure that this expanded benefit reaches the children who need it most, including children in Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and immigrant communities.

(7 pp)

The American Rescue Plan’s Child Tax Credit: Advancing Equity, Child Allowance thumbnail.

A Prenatal to Three Blueprint for Child Well-Being and Child Welfare Prevention

February 2021

This webinar focuses on the report, "A Prenatal to Three Blueprint for Child Well-being and Child Welfare Prevention: Building a Primary Prevention Continuum to Support the Health and Well-Being of Children Prenatal to Three," including guiding principles and strategies for building and enhancing a comprehensive continuum that meets the needs of young children and their families.

Download the publication discussed in this webinar here.

Prenatal to 3 Blueprint for Child Well-Being and Child Welfare Prevention Jan. 14 webinar thumbnail.