Publications & Resources

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A “Speed Dating” Exercise

This brief is an exercise designed to introduce participants to the five Strengthening Families protective factors through several, brief self-reflection and sharing activities. This exercise may also be used as training.
(13 pp)


Using Strengthening Families to Achieve RTT-ELC Goals

This brief provides information based on analysis of state RTT-ELC plans and direct dialogue with states. It is organized around the five core functions that support Strengthening Families implementation and sustainability.
(7 pp)


The Protective Factors Survey

This brief was developed to address the shifting focus of prevention work and federal requests for evidence of effectiveness.
(13 pp)


Practice Guide for Connecticut DCF Caseworkers Serving Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children

This brief is designed to help caseworkers practice engaging with families and young children. Workers can make a lasting impact by paying close attention to their work with young children.
(72 pp)


Parent Café Training Institute

This brief is a flyer for the Parent Café Training Institute, a two-day, experiential and highly interactive training that prepares parents and providers to convene and conduct parent cafes.
(1 p)


Making the Link: Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC)

This brief explores how a Strengthening Families framework provides opportunities to place resources from DCRC in the context of cross-disciplinary thinking and leverage existing systems to support families and build resilience.
(2 p)


Making the Link: Teaching Important Parenting Skills (TIPS)

This brief explores how Strengthening Families can be used in conjunction with TIPS to help build a more comprehensive family support strategy that will complement existing efforts.
(2 p)


Making the Link: Safety Organized Practice

This brief explores how Strengthening Families can be used in conjunction with the Safety Organized Practice to identify family-specific risks for abuse and work with families to develop plans for seeking support.
(2 p)


Making the Link: Solution Based Casework

This brief explores how Strengthening Families can be used in conjunction with the Solution Based Casework model to assist with the identification of both strengths and weaknesses in the home.
(2 p)


Living the Protective Factors Training

This brief is a flyer for a trauma-informed, two-day training for providers assisting families on how to live the protective factors.
(1 p)