Publications & Resources

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Strengthening Families Curriculum: An Introduction to the Protective Factors Framework

This lesson plan, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, is designed to help participants gain understanding of the Strengthening Families approach.
(17 pp)


How Strengthening Families Helps Programs Meet Head Start Performance Standards

This brief explores, in detail, how the alignment between Strengthening Families and Head Start helps programs meet federally mandated performance standards.
(29 pp)


How Strengthening Families Aligns with the Head Start Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework

This brief explores the alignment between Strengthening Families and the Head Start PFCE Framework so leaders in states, agencies, and early childhood programs can understand the contributions of these frameworks.
(5 pp)


Strengthening Families: Self-Assessment for Home Visiting Programs

This brief outlines practices used by exemplary home visiting programs to support families. Each section starts with a description of the protective factor and core strategies for building that protective factor.
(31 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Project Overview

This brief, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, outlines and summarizes Strengthening Families and how it is being incorporated across the country.
(2 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Theory of Change

This infographic, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, depicts the cyclical nature of community, systems, and policy changes, which help lead to child, family, and community well-being.


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Community Partners Sample Calendar

April 2015

This infographic, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, is a month-long sample calendar with ways of incorporating the five Protective and Promotive Factors into a daily practice.
(1 p)


Growing and Sustaining Parent Engagement: A Toolkit for Parents and Community Partners

December 2010

This brief features parent engagement approaches and strategies that are utilized by parents and partners involved with First 5 LA’s Partnerships For Families initiative.
(22 pp)


Strengthening Families: Self-Assessment for Family Child Care Programs

This brief outlines practices used by exemplary family child care programs to support families. Each section starts with a description of the protective factor and core strategies for building that protective factor.
(31 pp)


Essentials for Childhood and Strengthening Families

This brief summarizes these two frameworks, highlights their commonalities and differences, and identifies ways states and systems using both frameworks can use them together.
(2 pp)