Publications & Resources

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Making the Link Between Strengthening Families and Relationship and Marriage Education

This brief outlines Strengthening Families' approach to building protective factors, including a model to inform relationship and marriage education. It identifies ways programs and professionals can use them together to improve outcomes.
(4 pp)


ACYF Child Abuse and Neglect Cross-Walk

This report provides a review on Protective Factors for in-risk youth connected to Strengthening Families and Youth Thrive. It notes findings from several sources.
(51 pp)


Core Meanings of the Strengthening Families Protective Factors


This brief outlines the protective factors and offers in-depth details on their definitions.
(2 pp)


Connecting the Dots: CSSP’s Strengthening Families and Youth Thrive Frameworks and ACYF’s Literature Review

This brief outlines a review of academic literature on protective factors for the five vulnerable populations it serves. It also provides a summary of the alignment in research findings.
(2 pp)


Connecting Strengthening Families and Home Visiting

This brief discusses the challenge of coordinating and aligning work both across the many different models and between home visiting and the many other services and supports families need.
(6 pp)


Strengthening Families: Self-Assessment for Community-Based Programs

This brief outlines practices used by exemplary community-based programs to support families. Each section starts with a short description of the protective factor and core strategies for building that protective factor.
(41 pp)


Coaching on Protective and Promotive Factors

This brief is a worksheet for trainers to coach workers on the protective and promotive factors. It provides an overview and ways to track worker progress through each factor.
(7 pp)


Strengthening Families: Self-Assessment for Center-Based Early Care and Education Programs

This brief outlines practices used by exemplary center-based programs to support families. Each section starts with a short description of the protective factor and core strategies for building that protective factor.
(54 pp)


Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work: A Resource for Action


This brief is a flyer full of useful information about the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds’ comprehensive suite of training materials for Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework implementation.
(2 pp)


About the Strengthening Families Self-Assessments for Child- and Family-Serving Programs

This brief discusses the importance of self-assessment for programs adopting Strengthening Families. It uses concrete, observable items to show how Strengthening Families protective factors can be supported through “small but significant changes.”
(4 pp)