Publications & Resources

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Understanding the Strengthening Families Protective Factors

This PowerPoint teaches participants to define and describe the five protective factors, as well as understand how they can use everyday actions to support families in building their own protective factors.
(29 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Trauma and Brain Development—A Protective Factors Approach

This PowerPoint, part of the Strengthening Families Curriculum, teaches about early childhood/adolescent brain development, the significance of nurturing adults, how stress affects children, the impact of child abuse, signs/symptoms of trauma, and a Protective Factors approach for caregivers.
(30 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Tools to Support Strengthening Families Implementation

This PowerPoint, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, presents a host of tools—from flow charts to scripted curriculum—that aid in implementing Strengthening Families. It also has lists of resources for parents and workers.
(36 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Taking a Community Approach to Strengthening Families

This PowerPoint, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, helps participants describe and facilitate what a Strengthening Families approach and engagement look like at a community level.
(21 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Making Small but Significant Changes

This PowerPoint, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, explores how protective factors help focus on safety, permanency, and well-being for children. It discusses how to apply critical thinking in child welfare and build protective factors through core practice areas.
(18 pp)


Strengthening Families Through Home Visiting

This PowerPoint provides an overview of Strengthening Families, the Protective Factors Framework, connections between Strengthening Families and home visits, and how home visitors help families build protective factors.
(33 pp)


Using Strengthening Families to Meet the Goals of Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge

This PowerPoint is a presentation with information with basic information about RTT-ELC and how states can use Strengthening Families to compete for more than $1 billion in competitive grants.
(13 pp)


The Research Behind Strengthening Families (Five Phases) (2014)

This PowerPoint outlines the five-phase knowledge building process behind Strengthening Families’ research and its evidence-informed approach.
(14 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: The Research Behind Strengthening Families

This PowerPoint, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, outlines Strengthening Families’ efforts to find a strategic, feasible approach to child abuse prevention that would be systematic, implemented nationally, reach large numbers, and have a preventative impact.
(21 pp)


Leading and Coordinating Strengthening Families Efforts

September 2014

This PowerPoint provides an introduction to Strengthening Families and its leadership teams. It discusses their roles, how they are structured, how they function, and how they vary.
(20 pp)