Publications & Resources

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The DULCE Approach to Setting Goals with Families of Infants

January 2023

CSSP engaged in a 12-month planning and implementation project focused on developing and pilot testing a collaborative goal setting process for families of infants that is derived from goal concordant care. This paper describes the initial success of this endeavor, including a description of and guidelines for the collaborative goal setting process, initial findings from pilot testing of the process, reflections about participants' experience of the  process, and a list of draft training and technical assistance tools.

(19 pp)

The Dulce Approach To Setting Goals With Families Of Infants

Youth Thrive Alive! Forum: Activate Tools for 2023 and Beyond January

January 2023

In 2022, Youth Thrive created new, dynamic tools and resources that youth-serving agencies and organizations can use to understand adolescent development and promote youth well-being. In this webinar, we showcased the latest tools and resources, including the Social Connections Module, co-developed by Dr. Julie Radlauer-Doerfler, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Collectively.


Youth Thrive Video Series (Combined)

January 2022

This resource is a combined version of the three animation videos that includes Youth Thrive Overview, The Five Protective and Promotive Factors, and Youth Thrive Changing Perspectives.

Policy Paper

Rescuing Child Care: The American Rescue Plan Act’s Positive Impact for Families

January 2023

This report looks at interview data combined with research and analysis from additional sources to understand how families benefited from ARPA child care relief funds, with a particular look at Michigan and North Carolina. This report was co-authored by CSSP and The Century Foundation. 

Visit The Century Foundation for a digital version of this report.

(8 pp)

Rescuing Child Care The Arp Acts Positive Impact For Families

Help Me Grow: Strengthening Families and Supporting Caregiver Goals

January 2023

The purpose of this paper is to describe how the Help Me Grow Model currently aligns with the Strengthening Families Approach and Protective Factors Framework; how HMG affiliates are currently using Strengthening Families; and how we envision the introduction of goal concordant care (GCC) affecting HMG affiliates’ impact on families’ protective factors.

(23 pp)

Herlp Me Grow Sm Cover

Raising the Bar: Strengthening Capacity to Advance Racially Equitable Results

November 2022

This paper provides an overview of CSSP’s approach to working with partners and communities to advance racial justice through capacity building and leadership development.

(17 pp)

Cover Small Raising The Bar Strengthening Capacity To Advance Racially Equitable Results

Beyond Temporary Relief for Families: Lessons from ARPA’s Investments in Child Care & the Child Tax Credit

November 2022

Watch the Center for the Study of Social Policy and a panel of parents and stakeholders discuss the impact of temporary investments made in families last year by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and to hear discussion around what’s needed now: permanent investments in families. The event will synthesized CSSP’s recent research with 45 Black and Latinx families in Michigan, Mississippi, and North Carolina on the impact of ARPA’s short-term investments in the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and child care.

Beyond Temporary Beliefs

Kevin S., et al. v. Blalock and Scrase, Co-Neutrals’ Baseline and 2021 Annual Report (November 15, 2022)

November 2022

This report provides a current summary of efforts made by New Mexico’s Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) and Human Services Department (HSD) as they work to fulfill the commitments outlined in the Kevin S., et al. v. Blalock and Scrase Final Settlement Agreement.

(111 pp)

Cover Kevin S., Et Al. V. Blalock 2021 Annual Report (november 15, 2022)
Policy Paper

The Child Tax Credit & Family Economic Security: Findings from the Center for the Study of Social Policy’s Survey of Families with Children

October 2022

To better understand the impact of the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) on Black, Latinx, and other families of color, and whether it was effectively redressing longstanding and interrelated racial and economic inequities, CSSP conducted a survey in the winter of 2021-2022. This brief summarizes findings from the survey, which complements previously-published qualitative analysis of the impact of the expanded CTC on families and communities. 
(6 pp)
Cover (small) The Child Tax Credit And Family Economic Security

Anti-Racist Approaches in Health Care: Community Health Workers as Catalysts for Change in Health Systems

November 2022

This report examines the deeply entrenched systemic inequities and generations of discrimination and racism that have resulted in policies and practices that segregate, marginalize, and exclude people of color from opportunities to be healthy. In the health care system, these inequities have led to limited access to health coverage and care and differences in the treatment and quality of care for children and families of color.

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