Publications & Resources

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Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: July 2015

July 2015

This webinar discusses efforts in three states to help parents build protective factors through their involvement in the corrections systems—including how correctional systems are taking a protective factors approach with parents.


Yes, There are Way More Than 3!: Estimating LGBTQ Youth in the Foster Care System

November 2014

In this webinar, Dr. Bianca D.M. Wilson discusses the state of sexual orientation and gender identity demographic research among adolescents. It explores what research has discerned about sexual and gender minority foster youth.

Tags: LGBTQ+, getREAL

Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: August 2015

August 2015

This webinar shares a new scan of innovative programs serving young parents and their children in rural areas and suburban pockets of poverty and discusses the ongoing work of Early Childhood-LINC.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: September 2015

September 2015

This webinar focuses on how child welfare jurisdictions are using a protective and promotive factors approach with foster and resource parents.


Expectant and Parenting Youth: Lessons from the Field

September 2015

This webinar presents an approach to ensuring that every EPY is connected to a mentor—including collaborative partnerships creating a shared system for recruitment, capacity building, tracking impact, and continuous quality improvement. 


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: October 2015

October 2015

This webinar discusses how the Strengthening Families approach is being used to support parent and family engagement through Quality Rating and Improvement Systems for early care and education. 


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: November 2015

November 2015

This webinar discusses how we can expand the conversation around building healthy communities to prevent child neglect. 


A Multi-Generational Approach to Addressing the Educational Needs of Expectant and Parenting Youth

December 2015

In this webinar, Marylouise Kuti presents a school-based model focusing on needs of adolescent parents and their children. The model incorporates case management, home visitation, and access to child development centers.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: January 2016

January 2016

This webinar discusses how CASA volunteers in Idaho take a protective factors approach to their work with families, the training they're receiving, and the small but significant changes they are making.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: February 2016

February 2016

This webinar discusses cafés designed to build protective factors, with a spotlight on the Caring Conversations Café model. It will also include updates from other models out in the field.