Publications & Resources

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Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: April 2017

April 2017

This webinar shows how Corrections and the Department of Early Learning work together to focus on the protective factors of parents eligible for alternative sentencing.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: May 2017

May 2017

This webinar presents a new resource from Butterfly – Trainings that Transform. Also, Maureen Durning and Jane Zink discuss their book, "STRONG: Teaching the Strengthening Families Protective Factor Framework to Parents and Professionals."


Promoting Child and Family Well Being Through Civil Rights Compliance

June 2017

This webinar includes a primer on Federal civil rights laws that protect children and families from discrimination in the child welfare system and examines discriminatory barriers found throughout HHS and DOJ.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: June 2017

June 2017

This webinar discusses how family resource centers and family support networks help families build protective factors. It includes updates from the CSSP and the Alliance about ongoing work and opportunities.


Recommended Practice and Reality for Trans & Gender-Expansive Youth in Out-of-Home Care

July 2017

In this webinar, presenters share findings from their report, “Safe Havens: Closing the Gap Between Recommended Practice and Reality for Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth in Out-of-Home Care.”


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: July 2017

July 2017

This webinar presents Colorado's new state child abuse and neglect prevention plan and how it builds on, and advances, their ongoing implementation of Strengthening Families.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: August 2017

August 2017

This webinar includes updates from the Alliance and time dedicated to answering questions about Strengthening Families implementation.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: September 2017

September 2017

This webinar introduces the importance of HOPE, a framework that studies and promotes positive child and family well-being. Dr. Bob Sege connects evidence for HOPE to actions that improve effectiveness.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: October 2017

October 2017

This webinar focuses on how a protective factors approach can be used to support kinship care providers. It includes input from the CSSP and the Alliance about new resources and opportunities.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: November 2017

November 2017

This webinar checks in on the CDC's Essentials for Childhood initiative and discusses how two states are implementing it and how it is connected to their Strengthening Families work.