Publications & Resources

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Policy Paper

Supporting Young Children: Addressing Poverty, Promoting Opportunity, and Advancing Equity in Policy

This policy paper discusses the number of opportunities available in the early childhood spheres for policymakers to take action, reduce poverty, and mitigate its effects.
(8 pp)


STRONG: Teaching the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework

This brief is a flyer for Butterfly TTT LLC, a training and consulting firm specializing in promoting the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework through training, consulting, and technical assistance.
(2 pp)


A Strengths-Based Approach to Screening Families for Health-Related Social Needs

January 2018

This brief builds on recent scholarship on strategies to avoid unintended consequences when screening for health-related social needs and presents six recommendations for operationalizing a strengths-based approach to such screenings.
(30 pp)


Strengthening Families 101


This PowerPoint is an extensive introduction to Strengthening Families. It outlines its “four big ideas,” the five protective factors, pathways for improved outcomes, and implementation data.
(30 pp)


Strengthening Supports for Young Parents and Their Children: A Focus on Low-Income, Rural, and Suburban Families

October 2015

This report details six promising programs representative of current work in rural areas and suburban pockets of poverty, both underserved communities. It notes several themes that emerged across the programs.
(44 pp)


Strengthening Families as a Platform for Collaboration

This brief describes how Strengthening Families can be a powerful tool for bringing together various service providers and systems to better collaborate to improve outcomes for children and families. It includes the “daisy” graphic illustrating how all of the systems that touch the lives of children and families can find common ground in a focus on family protective factors.

(2 pp)


State Leadership, Policy, and Practice in 2011


This brief shares annual summaries from 24 states demonstrating that the depth and reach of the Strengthening Families approach continued to grow in 2011.
(135 pp)

Policy Paper

State Policies Concerning LGBTQ Youth

September 2014

This brief lists policies pertaining to LGBTQ youth for each state, including D.C. It covers public accommodations, social services, child welfare, foster care, juvenile detention, educational facilities, and social worker guidelines.
(135 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Making Small but Significant Changes

This lesson plan, part of the Strengthening Families Curriculum, is designed to help participants obtain an understanding of the shifts in child welfare practice that can support families in building Protective Factors.
(20 pp)

Policy Paper

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Critical Pathway to Safety and Permanence for States


This policy paper offers guidance for policymakers on how to protect children and youth from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico in the absence of visa availability.
(6 pp)