Publications & Resources

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Policy Paper

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Critical Pathway to Safety and Permanence for Practitioners


This policy paper offers guidance for practitioners on how to protect children and youth from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico in the absence of visa availability.
(6 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: Trauma and Brain Development—A Protective Factors Approach

This lesson plan, part of the Strengthening Families Curriculum, is designed to help participants obtain broader understanding of the impact of trauma on brain development and how its effects can be mitigated through a protective factors approach.
(21 pp)


Strengthening Families: Implementation in Early Care and Education (ECE)


This brief offers information on how Strengthening Families is used in Early Care and Education, as well as the resources available for implementing Strengthening Families into ECE in various states.
(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Implementation in Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

May 2021

This brief offers information on how Strengthening Families is used in child abuse and neglect prevention (CANP), as well as the resources available for implementing Strengthening Families into CANP in various states.

(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Teaming

This brief charts the protective factors with an overview of their definitions and examples of how teaming builds each one. It includes information on developmental needs and caregiver decision-making.
(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Social-Emotional Competence of Children

This brief discusses the strong link between young children’s social-emotional competence and their cognitive development, language skills, mental health, and school success.
(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Social Connections

This brief discusses the importance of constructive and supportive social connections—relationships with family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, community members, and service providers.
(2 pp)


Making the Link: Triple P—Positive Parenting Program

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and Triple P—Positive Parenting Program can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)


Making the Link: Father Involvement Programs and Resources from National Fatherhood Initiative

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and the National Fatherhood Initiative can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)


Strengthening Families: Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

This brief discusses the importance of educating parents on parenting strategies and child development. This knowledge helps parents recognize what children need during developmental stages.
(2 pp)