Publications & Resources

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Santa Clara and Fresno County: Final Report


This report describes the methodology used to answer the identified research questions, presents the findings, and provides preliminary recommendations to inform strategic planning in the counties for implementing the getREAL program.
(25 pp)


Youth Thrive Profile: SaintA

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. SaintA provides foster care, mental health, and education services. It is a leader in understanding impacts of trauma on developing brains.
(2 pp)

Policy Paper

Healthy, Thriving Communities: Safe Spaces for Immigrant Children and Families

February 2017

This policy paper highlights actionable policies at the state and local levels that can be used to promote safe spaces, economic stability, and strong communities.
(7 pp)


Strengthening Families Curriculum: The Research Behind Strengthening Families

This lesson plan, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, is designed to help participants obtain a broader understanding of the research behind the Strengthening Families approach. It provides slides, statements, explanations, and questions to ask.
(11 pp)


Religious Refusal Laws in Child Welfare: Harming Children and Stunting Progress

October 2017

This policy paper discusses how religious refusal laws will impact all children and youth in foster care and—among other complications—can result in even less homes for children.
(7 pp)

Tags: LGBTQ+, getREAL

Raising Healthy and Happy LGBTQ and Gender Non-Conforming Children

This brief is a guide for parents on raising LGBTQ and GNC youth. It lists helpful behaviors, hurtful behaviors, and a glossary of terms.
(12 pp)

Tags: LGBTQ+, getREAL

Race Equity Impact Assessment

This brief uses the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Race Matters race equity impact assessment as a template to develop an assessment tool tailored to child welfare policy decision-making.
(2 pp)


Protective Factors: Action Sheets

This brief for caseworkers provides an overview of the five protective factors, as well as specific advice on how to implement each one.
(11 pp)


The Racial Equity Implications of Proposals to Restrict Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

March 2017

This policy paper provides information on the impact of Medicaid and CHIP on reducing disparities in coverage for children and families of color and the likely impacts of current reform proposals.
(11 pp)

Policy Paper

Promoting Well-Being Through the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard: A Guide for States Implementing the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act


This policy paper provides recommendations for policy implementation of a “reasonable and prudent parent standard” for all youth in care, as well as recommendations for LGBTQ and expectant and parenting youth.
(7 pp)