Publications & Resources

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Pregnant & Parenting Youth in Foster Care: A Case for Services and Quality Legal Representation

This brief works to resolve conflicts occurring when the public agency responsible for protecting and advocating for youth in foster care is also responsible for charging that youth with neglect or abuse.
(5 pp)


Practice Reflection Tools: Applying a Protective and Promotive Factors Approach through Core Functions of Practice

This brief includes worksheets for workers to reflect on how consistently they take actions that help families and youth build protective and promotive factors through the seven core functions of practice.
(8 pp)

Policy Paper

Poverty in Early Childhood


This policy brief provides statistics and facts on the impacts of poverty on early childhood, how that impact differs for children of color, and its cumulative effects.
(2 pp)


Birth to Three Best Practices: Playgroups

This brief is a summary about playgroups for the Research to Action project. It outlines research conducted, action taken, findings, products, implications for other early childhood systems, and next steps.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive Profile: PHILLIPS Family Partners

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. PHILLIPS Family Partners confronts serious emotional and behavioral problems like mental illness, development disabilities, autism, sexual abuse, attachment disorders, or substance abuse.
(2 pp)


El Camino a Mejores Resultados para Niños y Familias

Needs translation.

Youth Thrive Profile: Personal Best for Pregnant and Parenting Youth

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. Personal Best is a group curriculum supplemented with individual sessions to promote adolescent development and resilience in new parents.
(2 pp)


Familias Fuertes: Parent Brochure (Spanish)


Este es un folleto sobre Strengthening Families (fortalecimiento familiar), una iniciativa para ayudar a familias a dar a sus hijos lo que necesitan para prosperar.


Strong Families: Parent Brochure


This brief is a brochure for parents outlining the five protective factors. It emphasizes the need for parents to be intentional about taking care of themselves, being informed, and seeking help.
(12 pp)


Parents’ Assessment of Protective Factors (PAPF): User Guide and Technical Report

September 2014

This brief is an implementation manual for PAPF, which was developed as a measure to assess the presence, strength, and growth of parents’ self-reported beliefs, feelings, and behaviors.

(111 pp)