Publications & Resources

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Hoja De Calificaciones De La Evaluación De Los Factores De Protección Para Padres

Este resumen es una hoja de puntuación para el perfil de factores de protección de Strengthening Families. Se mide el nivel de fuerza de un participante, con respecto a cada factor de protección.

Available in English.

(1 pp)


Parents’ Assessment of Protective Factors (PAPF): Scoring Sheet

This brief is a scoring sheet for Strengthening Families' protective factors profile. It gauges a participant’s strength level, with regard to each protective factor.

Disponible en español.

(1 p)


Evaluación De Los Factores De Protección Para Padres

La evaluación de los factores de protección para padres (Parents’ Assessment of Protective Factors, PAPF) es una lista de 36 expresiones que lo describen a usted como padre o cuidador.

Available in English.

(5 pp)


Parents’ Assessment of Protective Factors (PAPF)

This brief survey measures indicators of the Strengthening Families protective factors. The survey is available both in English and Spanish.

Disponible en español.

(5 pp)


Fast Facts: Palm Beach County


This brief examines the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County and its origins, goals, strategies, measures of progress, structure and leadership, parent involvement, and financing.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive Profile: Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. YAB is committed to youth engagement—ensuring that the voices of youth are heard and heeded to improve the overall child welfare system. 
(2 pp)


Outcomes and Metrics: Measuring the Impact of Early Childhood Systems

This brief examines the significance of early childhood systems. It outlines research conducted, actions taken, findings, products, implications for other early childhood systems, and next steps.
(2 pp)

Policy Paper

Out of the Shadows: Supporting LGBTQ Youth in Child Welfare Through Cross-System Collaboration

May 2016

This policy paper highlights the disparities between LGBTQ foster youth and non-LGBTQ peers, as well as the compounding effects these factors have on intersecting elements like race, ethnicity, culture, and language.

Policy Paper

Out of the Shadows: Supporting LGBTQ Youth in Child Welfare Through Cross-System Collaboration (Current Landscape)

May 2016

This policy paper offers an overview of the current landscape for LGBTQ youth involved in public systems. It provides important statistics and firsthand accounts. 

Policy Paper

Out of the Shadows: Supporting LGBTQ Youth in Child Welfare Through Cross-System Collaboration (Strategies)

May 2016

This policy paper highlights opportunities for states and counties to use innovative strategies to promote health and well-being of LGBTQ youth and their families—providing examples of efforts already underway.
(17 pp)