Publications & Resources

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Fast Facts: Orange County

This brief examines the Children and Families Commission of Orange County and its origins, goals, strategies, measures of progress, structure and leadership, parent involvement, and financing.
(2 pp)


Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ): Building Evidence for Achieving Success, at Scale


This brief looks at how NAZ uses and generates evidence to accomplish its goals. It explores five characteristics of an inclusive approach to evidence—characteristics encountered in initiatives considered “evidence innovators.” 
(7 pp)

Northside Achievement Zone case study thumbnail.

Youth Thrive Profile: Next Generation Center (NGC)

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. NGC was established to address the special needs of New York City’s youth in foster care as they transition to adulthood.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive Profile: My Life Project

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. The My Life Project uses principle of self-determination to help young people learn to direct their lives and achieve their goals.
(2 pp)


Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Alford Progress Report (October 2016-March 2017)

September 2017

This is the first report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.
(86 pp)


Mental and Emotional Health of LGBTQ Youth in Child Welfare

This brief reviews the struggle and risks confronted by LGBTQ youth in child welfare and lists some ways professionals can help ensure their mental health and wellness.
(1 p)

Tags: LGBTQ+, getREAL
Policy Paper

Protect Medicaid: Critical Opportunities to Support Children, Youth, and Families Involved with Child Welfare

March 2017

This policy paper discusses the significant impact that restrictions on Medicaid will have on states and their ability to meet the needs of children and youth in foster care.
(9 pp)

Policy Paper

Promoting Healthy Outcomes for Young Children and Their Families: Implications of Proposals to Restrict Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

March 2017

This policy paper highlights five actions promoting positive outcomes for young children and families by ensuring that essential health care services now provided through Medicaid, CHIP, and the ACA remain intact.
(7 pp)


Measuring the Impact of Early Childhood Systems: Learning Lab Report

This brief provides a high-level summary of shared evaluation experiences from EC-LINC learning labs and highlights themes that emerged from those labs, illustrated with examples from member communities.
(7 pp)


Making the Link: The Period of PURPLE Crying

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and the Period of PURPLE Crying programs can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)