Publications & Resources

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Making the Link: Parents as Teachers

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and Parents as Teachers programs can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)


Making the Link: Parents Anonymous

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and Parents Anonymous Inc. groups can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)


Making the Link: Nurturing Parents Programs

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and the Nurturing Parenting Program can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)


Making the Link: Help Me Grow

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and the Help Me Grow system can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)


Making the Link: The FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and the FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby curriculum can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)


Making the Link: All Babies Cry

This brief discusses why and how Strengthening Families and the All Babies Cry program can connect and collaborate.
(2 pp)


Youth Thrive Profile: Multi-Agency Alliance for Children (MAAC)

This brief profiles one of 15 Youth Thrive initiatives. It aims to keep youth in the least restrictive settings, avoid placement disruptions, and provide individualized services needed to reach their highest potential.
(2 pp)


LaShawn A. v. Bowser Progress Report (January-June 2015)

November 2015

This report assesses the District of Columbia’s performance in meeting the outcomes and Exit Standards set by the Implementation and Exit Plan in accordance with the Modified Final Order.
(164 pp)


LaShawn A. v. Bowser Progress Report (July-December 2015)

June 2016

This report assesses the District of Columbia’s performance in meeting the outcomes and Exit Standards set by the Implementation and Exit Plan in accordance with the Modified Final Order.
(186 pp)


LaShawn A. v. Bowser Progress Report (January-June 2016)

November 2016

This report assesses the District of Columbia’s performance in meeting the outcomes and Exit Standards set by the Implementation and Exit Plan in accordance with the Modified Final Order.
(188 pp)