Publications & Resources

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Fast Facts: Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (CCMC)

This brief profiles CCMC's origin, goals, key strategies, measures of progress, structure and leadership, parental involvement, and financing.
(2 pp)


Friends of Evidence Case Study: Harlem Children’s Zone


This brief looks at how HCZ uses and generates evidence to achieve its goals. Its analysis is organized around five characteristics found in initiatives considered “evidence innovators.”
(8 pp)

Harlem Children's Zone case study thumbnail.

Guidelines for Managing Information Related to Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity and Expression of Children in Child Welfare Systems

January 2013

This report proposes standards governing the management of information related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. It gathers expert opinions intended to guide the formulation of professional guidelines.
(26 pp)


Strengthening Families State Profile: Georgia

May 2017

This profile offers an overview of the Strengthening Families work in Georgia as well as additional information on key aspects, evaluation, and evolving work.

(2 pp)


Youth Thrive Profile: FosterEd

This brief profiles one of the 15 Youth Thrive exemplary initiatives. FosterEd focuses on improving educational outcomes of children and youth in foster care.
(2 pp)

Policy Paper

Food Insecurity in Early Childhood


This policy paper discusses how detrimental food insecurity can be to early development. It examines the short-term and long-term options available to policy makers and early childhood service providers.
(10 pp)


Ripples of Transformation: Families Leading Change in Early Childhood Systems

This report is a toolkit designed to inspire, challenge, and support leaders in early childhood to embrace a vision of families as agents of change in their children’s lives, communities, and early childhood systems.
(23 pp)

Policy Paper

Advancing Equity-Driven Family Engagement for Systems Change in Early Childhood


This brief explores how early childhood leaders can advance efforts to engage families along a continuum—from first teacher to policy advocate for systems change in early childhood.
(4 pp)


Fast Facts: First 5—LA County

This brief provides a profile for LA County’s First 5 initiative. Its intent being to ensure all children in LA County enter kindergarten ready to succeed in school and life.
(2 pp)


Fast Facts: First 5—Alameda County

This brief provides a profile for the Alameda County First 5 initiative. Its intent being to build on existing infrastructures of providers by enhancing or expanding their services and supports.
(2 pp)