Publications & Resources

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Charlie and Nadine H. v. Christie Progress Report XVII (January-December 2015)

June 2016

This report covers the first monitoring report measuring progress under the Sustainability and Exit Plan that supersedes the Modified Settlement Agreement and includes performance data for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2015.
(142 pp)


Charlie and Nadine H. v. Christie Progress Report XIX (July-December 2016)

July 2017

This report is the third monitoring report measuring progress under the Sustainability and Exit Plan and includes performance data for the period of July 1 through December 31, 2016.
(95 pp)


Charlie and Nadine H. v. Christie Progress Report XII (January-June 2012)

December 2012

This report provides information on the state’s progress in meeting Modified Settlement Agreement requirements in the period between January and June 2012.
(171 pp)


Charlie and Nadine H. v. Christie Progress Report XI (July-December 2011)

July 2012

This report provides information on the state’s progress in meeting Modified Settlement Agreement requirements in the period between July and December 2011.
(193 pp)


Charlie and Nadine H. v. Christie Progress Report XVI (July-December 2014)

November 2015

This report provides information on the State’s progress in meeting the Modified Settlement Agreement requirements during the period of July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.
(210 pp)


Changing Systems and Practice for Young Fathers to Improve Outcomes for Young Fathers, Their Children, and Their Families

February 2017

This report makes recommendations for child welfare system policy and practice changes that recognize the critical role young fathers can play in improving the outcomes of their children and families.
(24 pp)


Changing Course: Improving Outcomes for African American Males in Child Welfare Systems

March 2014

This report summarizes what is known about African American males within the system. It outlines goals, an approach to more effective action, and recommends specific steps to take.
(31 pp)


LaShawn A. v. Fenty Supplemental Letter to the Court

January 2009

This report is an update on the progress of the District of Columbia meeting the requirements of the Stipulated Order. It outlines the actions taken until October 6, 2008.
(40 pp)

Policy Paper

Approach to Finalizing CCDF State Plans for FY 2016-2018

February 2016

This policy paper outlines recommendations for FY 2016-2018 that will improve health, safety, and quality of child care while making it more responsive to needs of children and working families.
(8 pp)


Catawba County Child Wellbeing Project


This brief explores how the initiative uses and generates evidence in order to achieve its goals and how it came to choose the "Success Coach" model.
(7 pp)