Publications & Resources

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Supporting the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Youth in Out-of-Home Care: A Guide for Caseworkers


This report provides information and resources designed to help caseworkers effectively support youth around issues of sexual and reproductive health—from rights and privacy to case planning and decision-making.
(29 pp)


Carnegie Math Pathways


This report investigates Pathways through the lens of how it uses and generates evidence to achieve its goal of building a substantial infrastructure to support and embed quality improvement.
(9 pp)


Using Café Conversations to Build Protective Factors and Parent Leadership


This brief is a guide on how to use café conversations to build leadership, relationships, and the protective factors that help strengthen families.
(4 pp)


Building the Youth Thrive Framework in Jurisdictions

August 2015

This brief provides an introduction to Youth Thrive—including its vision, its stages of implementation, and guiding questions for public agencies. 
(6 pp)


Building Protective Factors During Casework Visits

This brief provides tips on how caseworkers can encourage parental resilience, knowledge of parenting and child development, social connections, support in times of need, and social emotional competence of children. 
(2 pp)


Building Blocks for Success

April 2017

This guide describes the four essential “building blocks” or community conditions that promote healthy child development and family well-being.
(17 pp)

Bridging the Language Gap


This report focuses on ways to support LGBTQ youth of color who have experienced sexual exploitation. It provides details and background on exploitation and offers policy recommendations.
(11 pp)


Brain Messages and Strategies for Supporting Early Brain Development

February 2016

This report explores three topics for working with families: infant brain development, use of an evocative object, and discussing with parents how babies learn and grow by using “brain messages.”
(16 pp)


EC-LINC Community Profile: Boston Birth to 8: Collective Impact Efforts


This brief profiles Boston Birth to 8's origin, financing, goals, key strategies, measures of progress, structure and leadership, and parent involvement. 
(2 pp)


Better Evidence for Decision-Makers

July 2016

This report explains why decision-makers need better support and to be truly "evidence-informed," as well as specific recommendations about how to move forward. 
(15 pp)