Publications & Resources

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Grounding Family and Child Well-Being Policies and Systems in Anti-Racist Principles and Strategies

May 2022

The Center for the Study of Social Policy and the National Infant-Toddler Court Program (ITCP) at ZERO TO THREE released this brief to highlight principles and strategies that if implemented with an intentional focus on advancing equity and responding to communities, can support infant and toddler well-being and strengthen families with young children, consequently, preventing involvement in child welfare and other deep-end systems.

Grounding Family, Child Well-Being Policies, Systems Anti-Racist Principles, Strategies thumbnail.

Youth Thrive Changing Perspectives

May 2022

Youth Thrive Changing Perspectives

The Five Protective and Promotive Factors

May 2022

Youth Thrive’s five Protective and Promotive factors are five essential elements that research tells us help young people thrive, even in the face of adversity.

The Five Factors are: Youth Resilience. Social Connections. Knowledge of Adolescent Development. Concrete.

This video reviews each factor, why it is important, and how taken together they contribute to young people’s overall well-being.

Youth Thrive Protective And Promotive Factors

Youth Thrive Overview

May 2022

Youth Thrive Overview

Willis & Friends: Early Relational Health and HOPE in Early Childhood

April 2022

The 11th Willis & Friends discussed how to view children's growth through healthy outcomes from positive experiences (HOPE). These positive early childhood experiences are important drivers of healthy child development and future adult health and counter adversity, that can come from adverse childhood experiences.

Willis and Friends webinar ad: A Monthly Live Conversation with Experts from the Field of ERH.

Transforming and Expanding Access to Mental Health Care in Urban Pediatrics: Early Learning Report

March 2022

This report is meant to inform funders, policymakers, and health care leaders about the investments and supports needed to effectively integrate behavioral health care into pediatric primary care settings.

(14 pp)

Transforming and Expanding Access to Mental Health Care in Urban Pediatrics thumbnail.

Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster Progress Report (April – September 2021)

March 2022

This is the 10th report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

Read the executive summary.

(156 pp)


Progress Report: South Carolina Dept. of Social Services Apr.-Sept. 2021.

Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster Progress Report (Executive Summary April – September 2021)

March 2022

This is an executive summary of the 10th report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

Read the full report here.


Progress Report: South Carolina Dept. of Social Services, Apr.- Sept. 2021 executive summary.
Policy Paper

A ‘Godsend’: How Temporary Investments in the Child Tax Credit and Child Care Impacted Michigan Families

March 2022

To learn about the impact of the American Rescue Plan’s short-term investments in the CTC and child care, CSSP conducted interviews with low- and moderate-income (ranging from $0-$55,000/year) families of color, child care providers, and stakeholders in Michigan between September and December 2021. The findings make it clear: Robust, long-term investments in both the Child Tax Credit and child care are necessary so that all families—and particularly families of color—have the support they need to not just survive, but to thrive.

(24 pp)

A Godsend How Temporary Investments In The Child Tax Credit And Child Care Impacted Michigan Families

Willis & Friends: At the Feet of Storytellers—The Development of Early Relational Health Conversations

March 2022

The 10th Willis & Friends brought together two of the three developers of the Early Relational Health Conversation model – Marie-Celeste Condon, PhD, and Dominique Charlot-Swilley, PhD. They described their experiences in researching African American families’ experiences with the ERH screening and the emergence of ERH Conversations, a family and culture-centered model for ERH-focused visits in pediatric care settings

Willis and Friends webinar ad: A Monthly Live Conversation with Experts from the Field of ERH.