Publications & Resources

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Charlie and Nadine H Report on Progress (January 1 – June 30, 2021)

March 2022

This report measures the progress of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families under the Sustainability and Exit Plan and includes performance data for the period of January 1 – June 30, 2021.

(101 pp)

Progress of the New Jersey Dept. of Children and Families Mar. 2022 report thumbnail.

DULCE Biannual Report

March 2022

The DULCE Biannual Report covers findings on the DULCE project from May 2021 - October 2021. DULCE, an initiative of the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), is an innovative approach based in the pediatric care setting that brings together early childhood, health, and legal system partners to better support families of infants during the critical first six months of life.

DULCE Biannual Report May-Oct. 2021 thumbnail.

DULCE Biannual Report Executive Summary

March 2022

This executive summary is an overview the DULCE Biannual Report (May 2021 - October 2021). DULCE, an initiative of the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), is an innovative approach based in the pediatric care setting that brings together early childhood, health, and legal system partners to better support families of infants during the critical first six months of life.

DULCE Biannual Report May-Oct. 2021 executive summary.
Digital Resource

Youth Thrive Blueprint

March 2022

The Youth Thrive Blueprint is a practice resource for youth-serving agencies and organizations to advance the well-being of young people. Full of actionable ideas and tools to build young people’s strengths, the Blueprint was developed with a focus on young people in foster care and relevant to other settings.

View the resource.

Youth Thrive Blueprint thumbnail.

Systemically Neglected: How Racism Structures Public Systems to Produce Child Neglect

March 2022

This report outlines the history of how child protective services developed to surveil families of color, examines how policy pushes families of color into the child welfare system today, and concludes with some recommendations for adequately supporting children and families of color and keeping families together in the future. 

(23 pp)

Systemically Neglected: How Racism Structures Public Systems to Produce Child Neglect thumbnail.

Willis & Friends: Toy Pollution—What Do We Know About Toys and Early Relational Development?

February 2022

The 9th edition of the Willis & Friends series explored the attachment infants and young children have to toys. Speakers examined preliminary findings from infant-parent research, lived experiences, and the shared emotional experiences from within the Latinx, Asian, and Black communities.

Willis and Friends webinar ad: A Monthly Live Conversation with Experts from the Field of ERH.

How Systems Change Arises from Interdisciplinary Learning and Testing: A Brief

January 2022

The purpose of this brief is to highlight some of the local learning, experimentation, and systems change happening around the country at DULCE sites. Drawing from 14 interviews with DULCE team members across three different states, this brief provides an on-the-ground snapshot of how DULCE members were thinking about collaboration, teaching, and effecting structural change in the spring of 2021.

How Systems Change Arises from Interdisciplinary Learning and Testing: A Brief thumbnail.

LEaP Pad: Supporting and Embracing Youth Power

November 2021

Lessons from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities Initiative

In November 2021, CSSP hosted a virtual Learning, Equity, and Power (LEaP) Pad featuring a conversation between The California Endowment’s (TCE) President and CEO and two of TCE’s President’s Youth Council members about the importance of sharing power with youth, and how foundations can authentically make space to partner with youth. This session, which is part of the larger LEaP initiative, highlights lessons and insights from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities. This LEaP Pad features:

  • Christopher Covington, President’s Youth Council Member (Former), TCE
  • Karla Ortiz, President’s Youth Council Member, TCE
  • Dr. Robert Ross, President and CEO, TCE
LEaP Pad: Supporting and Embracing Youth Power thumbnail.

LEaP Pad: A New Health Equity Dialogue

October 2021

Lessons from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities Initiative

In October 2021, CSSP hosted a virtual Learning, Equity, and Power (LEaP) Pad featuring a conversation between two philanthropic leaders about the broader approach that foundations need to take to advancing health equity and the relationship between democracy and community health. This session, which is part of the larger LEaP initiative, highlights lessons and insights from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities. This LEaP Pad features:

  • Cathy Cha, President and CEO, Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
  • Dr. Anthony Iton, Senior Vice President, The California Endowment
LEaP Pad: A New Health Equity Dialogue thumbnail.

LEaP Lab: A Foundation’s Path to Power Building and Health Equity

September 2021

Lessons from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities Initiative

In September 2021, CSSP hosted a virtual, interactive Learning, Equity, and Power (LEaP) Lab for funders to join a conversation with experts to discuss the importance of racial equity in efforts to advance health equity and the role that funders can play in the power building ecosystem. This session, which is part of the larger LEaP initiative, highlights lessons and insights from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities. This LEaP Lab features:

  • Jennifer Ito, Research Director, USC Equity Research Institute
  • Tia Martinez, CEO, Forward Change
  • Lauren Padilla-Valverde, Director, Racial Equity Practice & Culture, The California Endowment
LEaP Lab: A Foundation’s Path to Power Building and Health Equity thumbnail.