Publications & Resources

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Predictive Analytics in Child Welfare: A Broader View from the Field

November 2016

In this webinar, Carole Hussey and Heather Baker discuss the benefits/challenges of predictive analytics, the tools/methods used for predictive analytics, real world examples, and methods for mitigating bias.


Race, Equity, and Ethics: Questions on Child Welfare and Predictive Analytics

February 2017

In this webinar, Dr. Jesse Russell discusses the structural factors that bring families to the attention of child welfare agencies and how to consider these factors when implementing predictive modeling tools.

Policy Paper

Dismantling the Pipeline: Addressing the Needs of Young Women and Girls of Color Involved in Intervening Public Systems (Promoting the Health and Well-Being of Young Women and Girls)

October 2015

This policy paper is a chapter on addressing the issue of poor and minority children having more health problems and less access to health care than their peers.
(4 pp)

Policy Paper

Supporting Young Children: Addressing Poverty, Promoting Opportunity, and Advancing Equity in Policy

This policy paper discusses the number of opportunities available in the early childhood spheres for policymakers to take action, reduce poverty, and mitigate its effects.
(8 pp)

Policy Paper

State Policies Concerning LGBTQ Youth

September 2014

This brief lists policies pertaining to LGBTQ youth for each state, including D.C. It covers public accommodations, social services, child welfare, foster care, juvenile detention, educational facilities, and social worker guidelines.
(135 pp)


Race Equity Impact Assessment

This brief uses the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Race Matters race equity impact assessment as a template to develop an assessment tool tailored to child welfare policy decision-making.
(2 pp)

Policy Paper

The Racial Equity Implications of Proposals to Restrict Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

March 2017

This policy paper provides information on the impact of Medicaid and CHIP on reducing disparities in coverage for children and families of color and the likely impacts of current reform proposals.
(11 pp)

Policy Paper

Increasing Opportunities and Addressing Disparities: Supporting Young Children Through the Budget


This policy paper shows how states are increasing opportunities for children and families of color through investments in family supports, health, and early learning. It also summarizes key budget items.
(36 pp)


A Quick Guide to Understanding the Institutional Analysis


This brief offers a look into the key elements of Institutional Analysis, its process, and addressing systemic issues that contribute to poor outcomes for families of color.
(1 p)


The Institutional Analysis: Uncovering Pathways to Improving Public Systems and Interventions for Children and Families


This report discusses the systemic disproportionality and disparities leading to racial inequities. It identifies organizational structures, policies, administrative requirements, and job descriptions that contribute to poor outcomes for families of color.
(6 pp)