Measuring the Performance of Early Childhood Systems: New Toolkit Available

Over the past decade, increasing numbers of early childhood leaders across the country have been working to build systems with two distinct features. First, they take as their mission the well-being of all of the young children in the community, not just those enrolled in a specific program or service.  Second, they bring together what

Join Us in Welcoming Two New Senior Fellows

We are delighted to welcome two exceptional leaders to CSSP as new Senior Fellows. Both will contribute to our work on behalf of young children and their families and to advancing our mission to create a racially, economically, and socially just society in which all children and families can thrive. Please join us as we welcome:

Jumpstarting Change Across Systems

As part of CSSP’s work with the National Collaborative for Infants and Toddlers (NCIT), we’ve produced three community action briefs which document and promote strategies that communities can use to jumpstart a prenatal-to-three focus across systems including ones focused on equity, data, and parent and family engagement. Equity in Early Childhood Systems: A Community Action

Help Shape the Future of Strengthening Families!

We are in the process of developing a new strategic plan for the Strengthening Families initiative. (Read more about the history of the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework and its implementation around the country in a blog post from January, or check out all the materials in the Strengthening Families section of our website.) This

A Bittersweet Announcement

I’ve written a number of emails, reports, and notes about developments at CSSP over the years. This one comes with particular gratitude and warm feelings for everyone we’ve partnered with over decades of rewarding work. I’m retiring from CSSP this October. Depending on how one counts (and we’re notoriously flexible with the math when it comes

Working to #SeeChange

In 2019, the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) unveiled our new hashtag, #SeeChange, as part of our organizational effort to be bolder. CSSP’s #SeeChange movement is a double entendre referring to both our process (a seachange) and our intended outcome (to see change). Our process is that of causing a seachange, which

Developing Our inSIGHT on Implicit Racial Bias

The Alliance for Racial Equity, is an initiative of CSSP that was formed 15 years ago to provide national leadership in support of improved outcomes for children and families of color involved in the nation’s child welfare system. The Alliance works with dedicated partners nationwide to eradicate systemic bias and inequity within child welfare that

Threats and Opportunities

On February 26th and 27th, CSSP’s getREAL initiative collaborated with core partner Family Builders to host the convening Threats and Opportunities to Supporting LGBTQ+ Children, Youth, and Families Involved with Child Welfare Systems. This dynamic two-day meeting brought together child welfare professionals, leaders from various faith communities, data experts, consultants, policy specialists, advocates, attorneys, researchers,

Connecting the Dots

The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) presents child welfare systems with an exciting opportunity to both re-envision and re-shape service provision and advance equity in support of expectant and parenting youth in foster care (EPY). Addressing the unique needs of EPY, preventing child abuse and neglect of their children, and reducing disparate outcomes requires

Lessons Learned from Child Welfare Class Action Litigation

In 2000, concerns about the State of Tennessee’s Department of Children’s Services (DCS) led to a class action lawsuit focused on improving the state’s child welfare policies, programs, and outcomes. The case—Brian A. v. Haslam—resulted in a court-ordered Settlement Agreement; a strategy that is being used to promote child welfare system reform in states across the