Publications & Resources

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Building Relationships: Framing Early Relational Health

May 2020

This strategic brief, produced in collaboration with the FrameWorks Institute, offers a comprehensive framing strategy to help shift public attention to and understanding about Early Relational Health (ERH).

(34 pp)


Strengths-Based Practice in Troubled Times

May 2020

Everyone who works with families is dealing with a set of extraordinary challenges. This tool describes strategies to keep our focus on family strengths even when families—and we ourselves—are stressed.

(2 pp)


Early Relational Health National Survey: What We’re Learning From the Field

May 2020

This report discusses the Early Relational Health (ERH) National Survey conducted across early childhood health communities to get a better sense of current ERH-related activities, practices, and policies and how we can find opportunities to advance an ERH agenda.

(31 pp)



Community Solutions to Supporting the Well-Being of Expectant Parents, Babies, and Toddlers: Reversing the Loss of Infant and Toddler Child Care Slots in Denver

March 2020

This brief explores a multi-strategy approach which Denver’s Early Childhood Council and its partners at the City of Denver took to address the significant and continuous loss of child care slots in their community. Strategies included piloting a contracted slot pilot, advocating for revised building codes to protect in-home child care providers, and creating navigation supports for those interested in becoming child care providers.



Community Solutions to Supporting the Well-Being of Expectant Parents, Babies, and Toddlers: Creating a New Source of Dedicated Early Childhood Funding: Onondaga County, NY

March 2020

This brief details the $1.5 million investment which the Onondaga County Legislature made in early childhood initiatives as part of its 2020 budget. It explores what it took to build the right coalition and gather the evidence to convince local stakeholders to invest in the county’s youngest children. The $1.5 million investment combined with private and philanthropic funds will increase investments in early childhood by $2.3 million.

(10 pp)


Financing Prenatal-to-Three Services: Local Approaches

March 2020

Even with strapped budgets, communities are finding ways to provide new capital for initiatives that promote healthy environments in which children can live, learn, and play. This report profiles a group of communities across the country that have made tangible progress in creating new local prenatal-to-three (PN-3) financing solutions. 

(38 pp)


Strengthening Families Webinar: Legal Partnering for Child and Family Health

March 2020

This webinar highlighted how new kinds of partnerships with public interest law allies—including some underway through the DULCE Learning Network—can expand access to justice for families and strengthen the early childhood sector. We'll be joined by MLPB, which has pioneered an integrative approach to linking early childhood stakeholders with legal problem-solving assets.   

Policy Paper

COVID-19: Our Response Must Protect the Health and Well-Being of All Children, Youth, and Families

March 2020

As the United States responds to the public health emergency and the looming economic crisis stemming from COVID-19, there has not been enough attention to the needs of children, youth, and families who are likely to suffer most during this crisis.

Read a statement from CSSP President Judith Meltzer on COVID-19.


COVID-19: Our Response Must Protect the Health and Well-Being of All thumbnail.

Strengthening Families Webinar: Building Family Economic Mobility

February 2020

The audience learned about the Building Family Economic Mobility Toolkit from the National Center for Parent, Family, and Community Engagement.


Youth Thrive Survey Reflections and Lessons Learned

January 2020

This webinar showcased early adapters of the Youth Thrive Survey and the lessons and findings they learned from their implementation process.