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Mi Bebé, Mi Médico, y Yo: Escuchando a los padres sobre las relaciones tempranas y el rol del sistema de atención médica | Principales Conclusiones de un Grupo de Enfoque con Madres Latinas

October 2020

Este informe de investigación resume los hallazgos de un grupo de enfoque realizado en julio de 2020 con 11 madres Latinas para discutir sus experiencias como madres de bebés pequeños y sus relaciones con los proveedores médicos.

(9 pp)


My Baby, My Doctor & Me: Key Findings from a Focus Group with African American/Black Mothers

October 2020

This research brief summarizes findings from the focus group held with African American mothers in Portland, Oregon, and was co-created with input from three Parent Research Consultants (PRCs), some of whom also participated in the focus group. These findings are part of an exploratory study titled "My Baby, My Doctor & Me: Hearing from Parents about Foundational Relationships and the Role of the Health Care System in promoting Early Relational Health."

(8 pp)


What is DULCE?

October 2020

This 2D vector style animation describes DULCE from the perspective of families and the Family Specialist. It is intended for a broad audience, supporting learning and interest in the approach. Find an English transcript and visual description of the animation here

Using Café Conversations to Build Protective and Promotive Factors

October 2020

The goal of café-style conversations is to create an intimate environment where parents, caregivers, and community members can share and support each other as a strategy for strengthening families.

(4 pp)


Coming Together During COVID-19: Early Childhood Systems Supporting Families

October 2020

This brief is the first in a three-part series, highlighting community and local level responses to COVID-19. This first brief discusses how the infrastructure and partnerships EC-LINC communities have developed over years of building their early childhood systems have allowed them to address the needs confronting families with young children.

(12 pp)


Supporting Permanency for LGBTQ+ and Gender Expansive Youth

October 2020

This session is one of six in the CASCW Fall Webinar Series "Supporting Permanency and Transitions to Adulthood for Youth in Care." Presented by Vida K. Khavar, MA, LMFT, getREAL Project Director and Bill Bettencourt, Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Social Policy.


Conversations with CASA: The upEND Movement

October 2020

This episode of Conversations with CASA features the co-leads of the newly launched upEND Movement. The upEND Movement is designed to tap into work already being done and spark new work that will ultimately create a society in which the forcible separation of children from their families is no longer an acceptable solution for families in need.


Research Innovations, New Findings, and Practice Implications for Supporting Young Mothers in Foster Care

October 2020

This webinar highlighted a process for partnering with young mothers with lived experience in foster care in conducting research to inform policy and practice for expectant and parenting youth in foster care. Presenters discussed new research findings and research-based strategies for supporting young mothers in care and preventing unplanned subsequent pregnancies.



Strengthening Families 101

October 2020

This webinar provided a Strengthening Families introduction for people who are new to the protective factors framework and the Strengthening Families approach. It also served as a free, pre-conference training for people attending the Together for Families conference October 14-16, 2020, but is open and available to anyone who would like an introduction or refresher on what Strengthening Families is all about.


Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Leach Progress Report (October 2019 – March 2020 Executive Summary)

October 2020

This is an executive summary of the seventh report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

Read the full report here.

(11 pp)