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Financing Prenatal-to-Three Services: Local Approaches

March 2020

Even with strapped budgets, communities are finding ways to provide new capital for initiatives that promote healthy environments in which children can live, learn, and play. This report profiles a group of communities across the country that have made tangible progress in creating new local prenatal-to-three (PN-3) financing solutions. 

(38 pp)

Policy Paper

Economic Security in Good Times and Bad: COVID-19 Demonstrates Why We Need a Child Allowance

March 2020

The United States needs a child allowance—now and always. The public health crisis brought on by the coronavirus outbreak demonstrates why we need a child allowance now more than ever.



Strengthening Families Webinar: Legal Partnering for Child and Family Health

March 2020

This webinar highlighted how new kinds of partnerships with public interest law allies—including some underway through the DULCE Learning Network—can expand access to justice for families and strengthen the early childhood sector. We'll be joined by MLPB, which has pioneered an integrative approach to linking early childhood stakeholders with legal problem-solving assets.   

Policy Paper

COVID-19: Our Response Must Protect the Health and Well-Being of All Children, Youth, and Families

March 2020

As the United States responds to the public health emergency and the looming economic crisis stemming from COVID-19, there has not been enough attention to the needs of children, youth, and families who are likely to suffer most during this crisis.

Read a statement from CSSP President Judith Meltzer on COVID-19.


COVID-19: Our Response Must Protect the Health and Well-Being of All thumbnail.

Strengthening Families Webinar: Building Family Economic Mobility

February 2020

The audience learned about the Building Family Economic Mobility Toolkit from the National Center for Parent, Family, and Community Engagement.


Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Leach Progress Report (April 2019 -September 2019)

February 2020

This is the sixth report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

(167 pp)

Policy Paper

The Racist Roots of Work Requirements

February 2020

This report traces policies that take away basic assistance from families for not meeting work requirements back to practices that coerced and exploited the labor of Black families, going back to slavery.

(33 pp)

Racist Roots

Youth Thrive 4 Youth: FAQs

February 2020

This document answers frequently asked questions about the Youth Thrive 4 Youth (YT4Y) curriculum.



Youth Thrive Survey Reflections and Lessons Learned

January 2020

This webinar showcased early adapters of the Youth Thrive Survey and the lessons and findings they learned from their implementation process.


Charlie and Nadine H. v. Murphy Progress Report XXIV (January-June 2019)

January 2020

This report measures the progress of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families under the Sustainability and Exit Plan and includes performance data for the period of January 1 through June 30, 2019.

(78 pp)