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Metrics for Early Childhood Systems: A National Scan

September 2018

This report, co-produced by National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) and CSSP, provides the results of a national scan of measures being used by early childhood systems and initiatives to gauge the well-being of young children and their families.

(52 pp)

Metrics for Early Childhood Systems: A National Scan thumbnail.

Strengthening Families Webinar: Strengthening Families and Continuous Quality Improvement

September 2018

This webinar featured a presentation from Mosaic Network about how tools and resources related to Strengthening Families can help programs engage in continuous quality improvement (CQI) for their family engagement efforts.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: May 2015

May 2015

This webinar focuses on exciting efforts around the country to implement Strengthening Families at the community level, including new framing from the CSSP and slides you can use in your own presentations.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: June 2015

June 2015

This webinar focuses on professional development strategies. Jessica Sugrue leads a group of other experienced trainers in a "fishbowl" conversation about strategies in implementing Strengthening Families across different fields.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: July 2015

July 2015

This webinar discusses efforts in three states to help parents build protective factors through their involvement in the corrections systems—including how correctional systems are taking a protective factors approach with parents.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: August 2015

August 2015

This webinar shares a new scan of innovative programs serving young parents and their children in rural areas and suburban pockets of poverty and discusses the ongoing work of Early Childhood-LINC.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: September 2015

September 2015

This webinar focuses on how child welfare jurisdictions are using a protective and promotive factors approach with foster and resource parents.


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: October 2015

October 2015

This webinar discusses how the Strengthening Families approach is being used to support parent and family engagement through Quality Rating and Improvement Systems for early care and education. 


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: November 2015

November 2015

This webinar discusses how we can expand the conversation around building healthy communities to prevent child neglect. 


Strengthening Families Networking Webinar: January 2016

January 2016

This webinar discusses how CASA volunteers in Idaho take a protective factors approach to their work with families, the training they're receiving, and the small but significant changes they are making.