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Pilot Participant Feedback Highlights from inSIGHT: Workshop on Implicit Bias for Child Protection Workers

July 2019

This infographic highlights key feedback from participants of the pilot inSIGHT: Workshop on Implicit Bias for Child Protection Workers.


Reaching Isolated Families and Communities

July 2019

Dr. Rosemarie Allen helped participants understand possible reasons why certain families and communities might not be receptive to their outreach efforts, including physical or social isolation, previous negative experiences, language barriers, and more. She shared a strengths- based approach to supporting families in accessing programs and services. Dr. Allen’s approach emphasized extending dignity, creating a true sense of safety, and recognition of everyone’s unique identity in an effort to create authentic engagement with families and communities which have not been effectively served in the past.


Building Protective Factors in a Family Resource Center Setting

July 2019

This webinar focused on supporting family-level protective factors in a family resource center setting. Dr. Malcolm Gaines from San Francisco's Safe & Sound shared strategies and ways they are innovating. 


DULCE Family Specialist Profile: Palm Beach County, FL

July 2019

Family Specialists are the linchpin of the DULCE initiative, acting as a conduit between the family and the medical, legal, and early childhood systems. These profiles were produced from interviews with the two DULCE Family Specialists in Palm Beach County, Florida.

(2 pp)


DULCE Family Specialist Profile: Lamoille Valley, VT

July 2019

Family Specialists are the linchpin of the DULCE initiative, acting as a conduit between the family and the medical, legal, and early childhood systems. This profile was produced from an interview with the DULCE Family Specialist in Lamoille County, VT. 

(1 pp)


DULCE Family Specialist Profile: Alameda County, CA

July 2019

Family Specialists are the linchpin of the DULCE initiative, acting as a conduit between the family and the medical, legal, and early childhood systems. This profile was produced from an interview with the DULCE Family Specialist in Alameda County, CA. 

(1 pp)


DULCE Family Specialist Profile: Los Angeles County, CA

July 2019

Family Specialists are the linchpin of the DULCE initiative, acting as a conduit between the family and the medical, legal, and early childhood systems. These profiles were produced from interviews with the four DULCE Family Specialists in Los Angeles County, CA.

(2 pp)


How Can Medicaid and CHIP Support Children’s Emotional Health

June 2019

This webinar from Manatt Health and CSSP shared our recent publication, A Blueprint for Leveraging Medicaid and CHIP to Foster Children’s Healthy Emotional and Social Development and Transform Pediatric Primary Care.


Eliminating Racial Disparities in Maternal and Infant Mortality

July 2019

Cristina Novoa, senior policy analyst at the Center for American Progress (CAP), outlined a comprehensive policy framework to eliminate racial disparities in maternal and infant mortality. Participants learned about opportunities for federal action as well as innovative local approaches. Ms. Novoa also shared factors contributing to racial disparities, including not only racism, but also underinvestment in family support and health care programs. Info shared on the webinar was based on CAP’s May 2019 report, Eliminating Racial Disparities in Maternal and Infant Mortality: A Comprehensive Policy Blueprint.


Expectant and Parenting Youth in Foster Care: Systems Leaders Data Tool Kit

June 2019

The Annie E. Casey Foundation, working with CSSP and other partners, surveyed child welfare jurisdictions to create a snapshot of data each state collects. They designed this tool kit to support child welfare leaders and system leaders in their data collection and continuous improvement efforts.

The document originally appears on The Annie E. Casey Foundation website; for more information, please click here.

(42 pp)