Publications & Resources

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Strengthening Families Webinar: Draft Strategic Plan

March 2019

This webinar engaged participants in reviewing and weighing in on a new strategic plan that is being developed for the Strengthening Families initiative. See how the plan is taking shape so far, and share your thoughts on what should be included and where you think we (CSSP and national, state, and local partners) should focus our energy in the coming years to ensure that more families have opportunities to build their protective factors. Even if you missed the webinar, you can still respond to the survey before April 12, 2019 at:


Walking the Talk: Race Equity and Parent Leadership

March 2019

Members of EC-LINC’s Parent Leader Network Steering Committee spoke to local funders, city and county leaders, and others affiliated with the National Collaborative for Infants and Toddlers (NCIT) about the Manifesto for Race Equity and Parent Leadership in Early Childhood Systems. They also answered questions about what participants and their agencies/organizations could do better to facilitate authentic and sustained parent engagement, such as proper compensation, involvement of parents in co-design of activities and events, parent inclusion on decision-making teams, and more.

Download the PowerPoint presentation that accompanies this event.


Parent Engagement and Leadership Assessment Guide and Toolkit: Full Report

March 2019

This resource is designed to help agencies, systems, and collaboratives working with young children and their families to chart a course toward an expanded approach to family engagement.

Supplementary resources: 

(30 pp)


Opportunities for Progress: Better Serving Families with Domestic Violence through the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)

March 2019

This brief outlines the existing challenges within child welfare practice and highlights opportunities within FFPSA for advancing best practice for supporting children and families at the intersection of child welfare and domestic violence.

(4 pp)


Connecting the Dots: A Resource Guide for Meeting the Needs of Expectant and Parenting Youth, their Children, and their Families

February 2019

This guide provides stakeholders with information on a wide range of interventions that meet the comprehensive needs of EPY, prevent child abuse and neglect of their children, and improve parent and child well-being outcomes.

(103 pp)


Protective Factors for Survivors of Domestic Violence

February 2019

This brief provides guidance for child welfare domestic violence programs that serve both survivors and offenders, courts, and other collaborative partners about building protective factors that studies show lessen the impact of domestic violence on both child and adult survivors and promote their safety, healing, and well-being.

(16 pp)


Adult and Child Survivor-Centered Approach for Addressing Domestic Violence

February 2019

This report describes the Adult & Child Survivor-Centered Approach, an innovative, collaborative approach for addressing domestic violence and co-occurring child maltreatment in families who are involved in the child welfare system

(20 pp)


Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Alford Progress Report (October 2017-March 2018)

September 2018

This is the third report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

(190 pp)


Strange Bedfellows: How Child Welfare Agencies Can Benefit from Investing in Multidisciplinary Parent Representation


This is the second of a series of articles that examines the role that advocates for parents and families can play in furthering the well-being and safety of children. This article highlights emerging parent representation models that expedite the safe reunification of children already in foster care.

(10 pp)


Strengthening Families Webinar: Preventing Child Neglect by Building Protective Factors

February 2019

This webinar included segments from one of the training sequences from the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds' new four-part training, “Let’s Talk About . . . Preventing Child Neglect.” Participants were also introduced to the remaining three training sequences in the series and other valuable resources related to preventing child neglect.