Publications & Resources

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Introduction to Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework

June 2015

This PowerPoint, part of the Strengthening Families curriculum, is a detailed lesson plan designed to help participants become knowledgeable about the four big ideas behind Strengthening Families.
(12 pp)


Early Childhood Program Accountability: Cross Walks Between Strengthening Families, Head Start Performance Standards, and NAEYC Accreditation Standards

October 2014

This PowerPoint discusses the intersections between Strengthening Families, Head Start, and NAEYC. It examines how these alignments help programs meet federally mandated performance standards.
(14 pp)


Working Toward Well-Being: Community Approaches to Toxic Stress

July 2016

This PowerPoint works towards shifting the conversation about toxic stress. It addresses its root causes, growth toward understanding, as well as community-level strategies. It also discusses toxic stress in cities.
(51 pp)


Building Parent Partnerships to Strengthen Families

September 2014

This PowerPoint focuses on one of the four "Big Ideas" behind Strengthening Families: how to encourage parent involvement and work towards "a changed relationship with parents."
(11 pp)


Building Capacity of Professionals to Strengthen Families

September 2014

This PowerPoint outlines core content for training: about Strengthening Families, protective factors and everyday actions, tools to support implementation, opportunities to apply new knowledge and perspective, and links to additional resources.
(13 pp)


Youth Thrive: A Framework to Help Adolescents Overcome Trauma and Thrive


This brief describes Youth Thrive's protective and promotive factors framework and examines how a focus on thriving is necessary to complement the field’s growing move to become trauma-informed.
(20 pp)


Youth Thrive: Advancing Healthy Adolescent Development and Well-Being

September 2014

This report provides a synthesis of the ideas and research from the neurobiological, behavioral, and social sciences that inform the Youth Thrive Protective and Promotive Factors Framework.
(52 pp)


Build Your Learning Community

The building blocks in this visualized action guide show commons elements that are present in all Early Learning Communities, that can be assembled in different ways.


Metrics for Early Childhood Systems: A National Scan

September 2018

This report, co-produced by National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) and CSSP, provides the results of a national scan of measures being used by early childhood systems and initiatives to gauge the well-being of young children and their families.

(52 pp)

Metrics for Early Childhood Systems: A National Scan thumbnail.

Strengthening Families Webinar: Strengthening Families and Continuous Quality Improvement

September 2018

This webinar featured a presentation from Mosaic Network about how tools and resources related to Strengthening Families can help programs engage in continuous quality improvement (CQI) for their family engagement efforts.