Publications & Resources

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Promoting Inclusive Social Dynamics in Mixed-Income Communities: Promising Practices

January 2019

This report considers the key challenges of promoting inclusive social dynamics in mixed-income communities, presents key elements and approaches to achieve greater success.

(17 pp)


Exploring the Health Implications of Mixed-Income Communities: Yesler Terrace, WA

January 2019

These site profiles spotlight mixed-income community transformations that emphasize health and wellness in their redevelopment processes and strategic interventions.

(7 pp)


Exploring the Health Implications of Mixed-Income Communities: Mariposa, CO

January 2019

These site profiles spotlight mixed-income community transformations that emphasize health and wellness in their redevelopment processes and strategic interventions.

(9 pp)


Exploring the Health Implications of Mixed-Income Communities: Hope SF, CA

January 2019

These site profiles spotlight mixed-income community transformations that emphasize health and wellness in their redevelopment processes and strategic interventions.

(8 pp)


Exploring the Health Implications of Mixed-Income Communities: Church Hill North, VA

January 2019

These site profiles spotlight mixed-income community transformations that emphasize health and wellness in their redevelopment processes and strategic interventions.

(8 pp)


Exploring the Health Implications of Mixed-Income Communities: Avondale, OH

January 2019

These site profiles spotlight mixed-income community transformations that emphasize health and wellness in their redevelopment processes and strategic interventions.

(9 pp)


Mixed-Income Communities as a Strategic Lever to Impact Health Equity: Lessons from the Field and Implications for Strategy and Investment

January 2019

This report provides an overview of the current state of knowledge about mixed-income communities and health and synthesizes key findings and implications from the five site profiles below.



Best Practice Brief: Building Community Partnership Governance Capacity: Strategies and Lessons from Best Start

January 2019

This issue brief is meant to provide members of community-led organizations and their partners with a detailed introduction to effective strategies for building governance capacity.

(29 pp)


Agenda to Prepare Conference Participants

December 2018

This is a tool to prepare conference participants, so they know why they will be attending the event, coordinate travel and the workshops the will be taken, identify special needs, and establish behavior and outcome expectations with the group.

(2 pp)

Policy Paper

Building a 21st Century Workforce to Strengthen State Economies


This brief outlines several budget-conscious solutions that will increase college graduation rates in order to build a 21st century workforce in the states.
(2 pp)