Publications & Resources

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Customer Satisfaction Network of Atlanta: Strengthening Children

January 2010

This brief provides parents with some basic tips to consider when choosing childcare, early learning, and educational services.
(2 pp)


Customer Satisfaction Network Of Atlanta: Shopping With Knowledge

This brief provides tips on how to become an informed, engaged and empowered consumer. It offers a snapshot of shopping habits from residents in Neighborhood Planning Units.
(2 pp)


Customer Satisfaction Network of Atlanta: Creating Authentic Demand for High Quality Goods, Services, and Support

January 2010

This brief gives an introduction to the Customer Satisfaction Network of Atlanta. It outlines their desired results, origins, how they organize, and who they serve.
(2 pp)


Why Neighborhood Revitalization is Everyone’s Concern

October 2015

In this video, CSSP's President, Frank Farrow, along with Akilah Watkins-Butler, associate director, talk about why everyone should care about improving neighborhoods.


Understanding the Intersection of Race, Housing, and Child Welfare

December 2014

This webinar explores the long-standing challenges involved with connecting families with supportive housing, as well as how these dynamics impact the likelihood of child welfare involvement for families of color. 


Maintaining and Expanding the Pipeline: Guidance, Strategies, and Reflections on Sustaining a Promise Neighborhood

July 2017

This report offers a definition of “sustainability” with regards to cradle-to-career work, general considerations to help guide planning related to sustainability, and examples of sustainability issues and strategies for managing them.
(32 pp)


Welcome Home: Design and Practice Guidance for Supportive Housing for Families with Children

March 2016

This report provides supplemental tools and resources specifically designed to help administrators and practitioners working with families take a two-generation approach in high-quality, outcomes-focused supportive housing developments.
(142 pp)


Strengthening Supports for Young Parents and Their Children: A Focus on Low-Income, Rural, and Suburban Families

October 2015

This report details six promising programs representative of current work in rural areas and suburban pockets of poverty, both underserved communities. It notes several themes that emerged across the programs.
(44 pp)


Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ): Building Evidence for Achieving Success, at Scale


This brief looks at how NAZ uses and generates evidence to accomplish its goals. It explores five characteristics of an inclusive approach to evidence—characteristics encountered in initiatives considered “evidence innovators.” 
(7 pp)

Northside Achievement Zone case study thumbnail.

Friends of Evidence Case Study: Harlem Children’s Zone


This brief looks at how HCZ uses and generates evidence to achieve its goals. Its analysis is organized around five characteristics found in initiatives considered “evidence innovators.”
(8 pp)

Harlem Children's Zone case study thumbnail.