Publications & Resources

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A Practice Framework for Delivering Services to Families in Supportive Housing

April 2016

This report provides a practice framework for family supportive housing settings. It is a capacity-building tool for those providing case management services for families living in supportive housing.
(28 pp)


Maintaining and Expanding the Pipeline: Guidance, Strategies, and Reflections on Sustaining a Promise Neighborhood


This brief provides a framework and guiding questions to support Promise Neighborhoods in preparing for sustainability, with the approach that sustainability should be incorporated into overall strategy development.

(32 pp)


Voices of Partners: Findings from the Community/Stakeholder Engagement Study—Executive Summary

January 2017

The California Endowment (TCE) launched its Community/Stakeholder Engagement process in 2016 as part of a mid-point review of Building
Healthy Communities (BHC). This executive summary details learnings from a wide range of people involved in or knowledgeable about BHC.

Read the full report here.

(16 pp)


Voices of Partners: Findings from the Community/Stakeholder Engagement Study—Full Report

January 2017

The California Endowment (TCE) launched its Community/Stakeholder Engagement process in 2016 as part of a mid-point review of Building
Healthy Communities (BHC). This report details learnings from a wide range of people involved in or knowledgeable about BHC.

Read the Executive Summary here.

(66 pp)


Fostering Resident Voice and Influence in Community Change: The Making Connections Experience with Resident Engagement and Leadership


This report shares information on resident engagement from start-up to phase down and addresses strategies for seeding initial conversations, results-based leadership training, and sustaining resident engagement strategies. 

(36 pp)


50 State Survey: Licensing Regulations in Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Systems Serving Runaway and Homeless Youth


The following research presents a survey of 50 states and the District of Columbia on current state child welfare, juvenile justice, and runaway and homeless systems’ licensing regulations as they relate to sex, gender identity, and gender expression.

(5 pp)


Building a Culture of Results: A Guide to Emerging Practices in Promise Neighborhoods Summary

January 2016

This guidebook highlights the "culture of results" adopted by Promise Neighborhoods and how the program ensures that effective solutions are launched, tracked, improved, and sustained. 

(72 pp)


Service Coordination to Achieve Results in Promise Neighborhoods.

January 2010

This brief provides information on service coordination and capacity building for Promise Neighborhoods based on previous place-based initiatives.


Customer Satisfaction: Improving Quality and Access to Services and Supports In Vulnerable Neighborhoods—What the Research Tells Us

February 2007

This paper provides a brief synthesis of formative research on applying customer-driven quality improvement strategies to public services.

(42 pp)


Customer Satisfaction: Improving Quality and Access to Services and Supports In Vulnerable Neighborhoods

February 2007

This paper presents a framework or set of ideas for using customer satisfaction principles
and strategies to improve the quality, responsiveness, and accessibility of public sector
and privately provided services in vulnerable communities.

(38 pp)