Publications & Resources

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Research Innovations, New Findings, and Practice Implications for Supporting Young Mothers in Foster Care

October 2020

This webinar highlighted a process for partnering with young mothers with lived experience in foster care in conducting research to inform policy and practice for expectant and parenting youth in foster care. Presenters discussed new research findings and research-based strategies for supporting young mothers in care and preventing unplanned subsequent pregnancies.



Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Leach Progress Report (October 2019 – March 2020 Executive Summary)

October 2020

This is an executive summary of the seventh report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

Read the full report here.

(11 pp)


Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Leach Progress Report (October 2019 – March 2020)

October 2020

This is the seventh report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

Read an executive summary here.

(183 pp)


Youth Thrive Survey User Manual

September 2020

This manual explains how to use the Youth Thrive Survey Instrument including how and why to use the survey, target populations for the survey, and data collection and use. 



Youth Thrive Survey Tip Sheet for Professionals

August 2020

This tip sheet serves as a tool for youth-serving professionals in understanding the relevance of  Youth Thrive™ Survey to their work and how it can help them best support young people.


Charlie and Nadine H. v. Murphy Progress Report XXV (July 1 – December 31, 2019)

July 2020

This report measures the progress of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families under the Sustainability and Exit Plan and includes performance data for the period of July 1 through December 31, 2019.

(100 pp)


People of the State of CA v. Humboldt County DHHS and Sheriff’s Office (September 1, 2019–February 29, 2020)

June 2020

This report assesses Humboldt County’s Department of Health and Human Services, Child Welfare Services, and Humboldt County’s Sheriff’s Office’s progress in sustaining and performing corrective actions, focusing on September 1, 2019–February 29,2020, of a stipulated judgment filed by California’s Attorney General’s Office. The report contains recommendations of CSSP (the compliance monitor) for meeting and sustaining outstanding requirements of the Judgment. (79 pp)


LaShawn A. v. Bowser Progress Report (April 1-December 31, 2019)

June 2020

This report examines the performance of the District of Columbia’s child welfare system for the period of April 1 - December 31, 2019 and determines its progress. 

(86 pp)

Policy Paper

COVID-19: Our Response Must Protect the Health and Well-Being of All Children, Youth, and Families

March 2020

As the United States responds to the public health emergency and the looming economic crisis stemming from COVID-19, there has not been enough attention to the needs of children, youth, and families who are likely to suffer most during this crisis.

Read a statement from CSSP President Judith Meltzer on COVID-19.


COVID-19: Our Response Must Protect the Health and Well-Being of All thumbnail.

Michelle H., et al. v. McMaster and Leach Progress Report (April 2019 -September 2019)

February 2020

This is the sixth report on the progress of the South Carolina Department of Social Services in meeting the requirements of the Final Settlement Agreement.

(167 pp)